I love to travel and wish I could spend all my time traveling the world and exploring new places. I found this travel blog (Nomadic Matt) that has endless tips on traveling around the world. As a student, or a soon to be broke college graduate, having enough money to travel is always hard. This blog has provided me with numerous tips on how to travel on a small budget, how to save money before a trip, and finding cheap flights.
One of the Matt’s post on his blog on cutting living cost is something I am going to try and live by for the rest of the school year. There are some of the things that I think should be fairly easy, like taking the bus to school or walking, making coffee at home, and I have decided to carry tea bags in my backpack for long days in the library so I don’t spend extra money. There are other things that might take some time like cutting coupons, it seems easy, but I have never done that before so it might take some time before I get used to it. Also, I would like to cut down on cost of drinking. I enjoy sharing drinks with friends at a bar and going out on the weekends, but maybe instead of going to bar to have drinks, having friends over could be a bit cheaper, and only going out one night on the weekend would also save some money.
I am glad I have found Nomadic Matt’s travel blog, I think it will be very useful throughout my life whenever I want to plan a trip.