A night out at the Biophysical Society Meeting in San Francisco, February 21, 2023. Clockwise from left, Pat Herbert, Brett Israels, Jack Maurer, Lulu Enkhbataar and Annika.
Postdoctoral student Amr Tamimi presents his research to the Quantum Simulations of Complex Molecular Networks Workshop, held on the UO Campus, July 1 – 3, 2018.
Graduate student Eric Senning and undergraduate James Utterbach smiling in front of their single-molecule experiment in 2008.
Dr. Huiying Ji, immediately after her thesis defense with co-advisors Andy Marcus and Peter von Hippel in November, 2018.
During the Covid restrictions, we’ve had our group meetings by Zoom. Pete von Hippel presents at our joint group meeting on March 12, 2021.
Anabel Chang presents at UO undergraduate research symposium, May, 2022.
Group dinner, Spring, 2022.
Group members Anabel Chang and Maya Pande on graduation day, June 12, 2022.