PIE Cookbook

PIE Cookbook

PIE Cookbook: An open source guide for accelerators Building a accelerator is hard. That’s why PIE wants to open source its learnings. So anyone can build one for their community. Visit their kickstarter campaign and consider supporting the project! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/turoczy/pie-cookbook-an-open-source-guide-for-startup-acce…

Mark Hatch – What Will Makers Dream Next?

I have had this lecture, from Solid Conference 2015, sitting in my to-do list for months. I can’t believe I missed this.  This is a must see, inspirational talk. Mark Hatch is the founder of TechShop, what I see as…

RISD C0-Works

RISD C0-Works

Described as an interdisciplinary fabrication lab, Co-Works Studio offers  both advanced digital and traditional making technologies, to all departments and disciplines in experimentation, research, and collaboration inside and outside of standard curriculum. http://info.risd.edu/co-works/#co-works http://www.durkeebrown.com/?id=work&sec=institutional&sub=educational&proj=RISD_Co-Works

Nottingham Spirk - Innovation Center

Nottingham Spirk – Innovation Center

Nottingham Spirk – Innovation Center A 60,000 sq. ft., state-of-the-art, innovation center in Cleveland, OH that the president of the company refers to as “Disney World” for designers. http://www.nottinghamspirk.com/vertical-innovation/the-innovation-center/ http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2015/07/cleveland-based_nottingham_spi.html#incart_related_stories

SUNY Innovation Center @ 1 Year

This story about SUNY New Paltz continues to inspire me. SUNY New Paltz, MakerBot Innovation Center – One Year Anniversary

Laser Kerf Bending

Laser Kerf Bending

It’s this kind of experimentation I see as the core of what a modern maker space should provide. Access to a variety of tools that make a person think, “I wonder what will happen if I try this…?”. http://www.core77.com/posts/36481/Adventures-in-Laser-Kerf-Bending

MakerCon - Bay Area, CA

MakerCon – Bay Area, CA

MakerCon has finished lining up speakers for the May 12 & 13 event in San Francisco. Over 55 speakers on topics ranging from, business practices, finding capitol, tools, innovations, impact of the maker movement and the future of making. Conference…

INSPIRE  - Kelli Anderson

INSPIRE – Kelli Anderson

I admit it. I’m a huge papercraft fan. When someone who is as talented as maker Kelli Anderson comes to my notice, I just have to share. It’s this kind of exploration of design that drives my interest in seeing…

WeMake Celebrates - Oct 2nd & 3rd

WeMake Celebrates – Oct 2nd & 3rd

Looking for a little inspiration? Save the Date – October 2nd and 3rd.  Looks to be an exciting event! http://www.wemakepdx.com/wemake-celebrates  

Open Source CNC

Open Source CNC

If you were like me, I bet you thought CNC was something you could only see in a large fabrication facility. Turns out, open source has made CNC accessible to just about anyone.  There are now several turn-key CNC devices…

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