PIE Shop

PIE Shop

PIE Shop, an experiment in accelerating manufactured products. A collaboration with industry leaders like Autodesk and Uncorked Studios, This is an experiment that would explore the needs of startups who manufacture physical objects. Get involved Are you an Oregon manufacturer,…

Bring Recycling Design Challenge

Bring Recycling Design Challenge

BRING is hosting a Product Design Challenge, and the sign-up period ends THIS Friday (March 2nd). They are having a Materials Selection Day THIS Saturday, March 3 from 9 am – 1 pm. More info and sign-up form at the following link….

What Makes a Makerspace?

This is an interesting article from MakerSpaces.com with their definition of what a makerspace is. The definitions in the middle of the article, where folks give their own responses, make it pretty clear that when two people are talking about…

HEMI – Higher Education Makerspaces Initiative

The Higher Education Makerspaces Initiatives (HEMI) is a collaborative of leading universities focused on solving the challenges of academic makerspaces and making their combined learnings available to others. About HEMI

Eugene Maker Faire - Call for Makers

Eugene Maker Faire – Call for Makers

The 6th annual Eugene Mini Maker Faire is coming up on Saturday, June 10 at the Science Factory. Projects can range from traditional crafts (woodworking, knitting/ crocheting, food preparation/ preservation) to modern technological hobbies (robotics, electronics, Arduino, 3D-printing), and often…

Makerspaces We Like - Tinkersmiths

Makerspaces We Like – Tinkersmiths

If you haven’t checked out our list of makerspaces we like, visit the page at – https://blogs.uoregon.edu/making/makerspaceswelike/ Be sure to take a look at the newest addition – Tinkersmiths. http://store.tinkersmiths.com/

A Little Inspiration - Nolan Bushnell on Why He Makes

A Little Inspiration – Nolan Bushnell on Why He Makes

Nolan Bushnell, inventor and businessman, founder of Atari speaks candidly about why he makes. http://makezine.com/2017/03/07/nolan-bushnell/

Beauty and The Bolt

Beauty and The Bolt

Interesting new infotainment site providing engineering and maker information in a more entertaining and engaging format.  

Maker: Nemo Gould

Maker: Nemo Gould

I think I may have mentioned my love of steampunk inspired art. Nemo Gould is a new favorite. He has spent his lifetime developing the skills as a maker.  When asked By Make Magazine about how he got started he…

Incubator Oregon Program 2016

Incubator Oregon Program 2016

University of Oregon Brand Management and The Duck Store are now accepting applications for the 2016-2017 Oregon Incubator Program (through Nov. 30, 2016).

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