New info on advertising agencies and diversity–from UO ad and MABR grad students/alums and UO faculty!

Faculty and students at the SOJC have put together a database of diversity at agencies. You can find the website here:

Some interesting findings:

Most agencies employ more men than women
Minorities make up fewer than 25% of employees at most agencies
Non-white women are particularly underrepresented

Read more in the Adweek article here:

MABR students who worked on this project include Nicole Lee (MABR 2020), Kelly Kondo (MABR 2020), and Michael Hampton (MABR 2021). Great work all!

MABR Spotlight: Jojo Ananouko examines the NCAA

Jojo Ananouko took a hard, critical look at the NCAA, particularly in light of what the organization needs to do to be more accountable and responsible to student athletes. A student athlete herself, Jojo understands the complexities of the NCAA’s relationship with student athletes and unflinchingly calls them out on problematic practices. We are so very, very proud of this work.

Download her presentation here (it’s great).

Her paper is attached. [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Nicole Lee on Best Practices for Creating a More Diverse Workforce

The following points are suggestions for agency human resource recruiting teams and
advertising professors to keep in mind on a regular basis:
1. Think Panoramically
a. With talent pools found around the world, the best employees no matter
what their cultural affinity is want to work for companies that wear
diversity on their sleeves
2. Consider the Multiple Effect
a. In digital and social media spaces, youthful marketers drawn from an array
of backgrounds are able to ignite viral campaigns faster and more
effectively in ways that corporate monocultures can’t
3. Think All For One and One For All
a. Diversity that strives to celebrate differences, yet identify universal human
qualities in fragmented marketplaces, creates a more transcendent
4. Remember That Diversity Isn’t Only About Gender, Ethnicity, Sexual Preference,
Or Race; It Is Also About Demography
a. As potential brand ambassadors, senior and junior citizens are valuable
especially for social causes
5. Embrace the Melting Pot
a. It doesn’t matter where markets have been, diversity is where they are

Vikki Ross on brand responsibility

Vikki Ross is a UK-based copywriter who posted this tweet. Someone asked her–what about doing something spur of the moment just because it feels right? I responded–it has to feel right for the right reasons. And that is what these questions are for.

Does it feel right because you are doing what your competitors are doing?
Does it feel right because it makes you feel less guilty about some other stuff you’ve done?
Does it feel right because your employees are yelling at you to do something?
Does it feel right because you worry you’ll piss off customers if you don’t?

Does it feel right because you have built your brand, in part, around support for that cause?