Day 5: Aeolian Buttes, Panum Crater and Mono Lake

Spot 1: Aeolian buttes. One last pumice and lithic count on the lower, densely welded part of Ig2NWb. Crystal-rich pumice and basaltic lithics abound! As we moved up section towards the eroded bedrock highs made up of Cretaceous granite, the ignimbrite becomes poorly welded and contains sparse dacitic juvenile clasts and swirly pumices.

Ig2NWb. Welded (vitrophyric) at the base, grading up to poorly welded at the top. Even found some rare juvenile dacite clasts!
Crystal-rich pumice, now dense fiamme.
Not a staged photograph at all…

Stop 2: Panum Crater is a young tuff ring with an extensive crater-filling lava dome of made of obsidian and bread-crusted devitrified rhyolite. Incredible views of Mono Lake!


Hiking around the interior dome.


Wrinkled and breadcrust-textured blocks.

LUNCH BREAK: Time to learn the secret wonders of the Jeffery Pine…


Stop 3: Water sampling at Mono Lake – here at the south tufa preserve. What, not looking at rocks? No pumice count? Liz and Adam collect alkaline water for analysis of oxygen isotopes, pH, conductivity, and alkalinity.

Just doing some basic water sampling….
Mono Lake and the Tufa Towers.

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