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by linkun

Professionalism Grade

March 14, 2014 in BA352WIN14

Throughout ten weeks of extensive learning process about my leadership development, I have effectively demonstrated four most important characteristics in regard to professionalism, positive attitude, respect for others, taking the initiative, and team responsibility. Therefore, I propose that I should receive 48 out of 50 on my professionalism grade.

First of all, I have realized that class attendance and participation is one of basic and fundamental characteristics when measuring one’s professionalism. It requires a tremendous amount of self-regulation to come to the class, and it also demonstrates one’s respectfulness to the teacher’s time and effort he put into for the preparation for the class. Therefore, I have never absent and late for a single class throughout the term.

Secondly, class interaction is also a good way to test my professionalism. As an international student, I have a stronger sensitivity when talking in front of the class. I feel that the class will be disrupted if my English understanding become a problem during the class discussion. However, in order for me to learn and develop my leadership characteristics, I tried to force myself to talk during the class. For example, I have asked a couple of subjective questions regarding to group proposal topics at the Q &A session. I also gave some opinions when Ron asked us about how to form an effective and constructive memo. Even though my ideas were wrong, I felt I was brave enough to talk in front of the class, and that’s was rarely happened in any of my other classes. I appreciate the opportunities that this class had provided to me.

In addition, teamwork is also a good experience that can demonstrate my professionalism. As our team project started at week two, I took the initiative to set up our group meeting time and place, and organized our team profile. In order to practice and overcome my greatest weakness, “Challenge the process” in terms of leadership development, I intentionally acted as the devil’s advocate, and criticized most of the opinions when at least three people all agreed on to avoid group think, However, I was able to focus on cognitive conflicts and avoided affective conflicts when team had disagreement. Furthermore, throughout the term, I have constantly communicated with my teammates either via text-message, or meeting them in person to discuss any important and urgent issues we’ve had.

Also, in preparation for two of our group presentations, I have researched online to learn how to dress professionally. I even went to the Business Etiquette Dinner event co-hosted by LCB, UO Career Center, and UOAA, to learn about how to eat and dress professionally and watched the formal business dress fashion show. In addition, I have prepared most of our PPT slides since all of us agreed that I was the most effective person to conduct the PPT slides. And I took the responsibility and spent at least 6 hours for the design and content of our PPT slides.

There are many small elements that I have intended to pay close attention in regard to professionalism in this class, such as using proper expressions when communicating with teacher, formal academic writing when sending email to teachers, even just for asking questions about homework.

Of course, there are definitely some weaknesses that I need to improve beyond this class. My English communication skill is the one that I will be focusing on the most, because I need to speak more during the class and let everybody hear my opinions. In addition, towards to the end of the class, due to many other class materials, I did not do a good job to balance well for all of my classes, and ended up focusing on the completion not the excellence of our proposal. I felt like I could have done a much better job if I managed well for my time and if I had more courage to lead the team.

In terms of professionalism for the class, I felt like I have demonstrated most of what it was required throughout the term. Therefore, I sincerely hope that I could obtain 48 out 50 points as my professionalism performance.

by linkun

Final Report for My Personal Leadership Development

March 13, 2014 in BA352WIN14

Introduction – The importance of BA-352

As an international student from China, I intended to come to the U.S. to experience a higher and better education. After almost four years of college life at Lundquist College of Business, I have learned many critical business concepts and comprehensive knowledge. Within all of the business courses I have taken so far, BA-352, a fundamental course of business leadership and communication, is one that I feel it’s the most important class in LCB, because it covers so many important and practical concepts about how to be a leader and how to effectively communicate to team members, working professionals, and even friends and families. And these skills are going to be very beneficial to me when I am ready to look for an employment after graduation.

My goals and expectations in BA-352

My original goal was to gain some knowledge on how to become an effective team member. As I mentioned in my the first week blog post, once I heard the phrase “You are going to work in a group of 4 to 5 to complete your project,” I immediately feel depressed. It is not that I don’t like to work in a group; I just don’t know how to work in a group (details of story in my first week blog post).

As I was taking the class along the way, I have realized that in order to achieve my big goal, there are many small goals for me to overcome before becoming an effective team member, and that linked to two main topics I learned in the first week of the class: Emotional Intelligence and Five Practices of Exemplary. After the end of the second week, I was required to complete my self-assessment for leadership development plan. One of the areas that I needed to improve was to challenge the process.  

A report for my progress throughout the course

I would have to say that throughout ten weeks of intensive group working experience, I am ready to become an effective team member and even had the will to lead. As I planned,

  • I wanted to get a good start by taking a good initiative to encourage everybody to be participative. I have reserved meeting room at least one day in advance for every single meeting we’ve had and I never failed to do that, even during the busiest week where everybody was looking for a room to practice their presentation.
  • In addition, since I am an international student, I told myself that I needed to talk more often during the class and the meeting. The sentences that came out of my mouth do not have to be fast, but they must be complete and constructive. In other words, I wanted to have a good and effective communication skill, not just speaking with meaningless words. During the class and meetings, I forced myself to concentrate on the topics and details that the teacher and my team members said   
  • Also, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and be ready to live in the learning zone because as Ron said in the class that people who live in their comfort zone would never learn as much as than those people who live in the learning zone. This is one of the most important areas I wanted to improve, that is, challenge the process. For me, it would definitely be easier just to follow along with my team members, because it just makes sense to them if I don’t talk a lot since English is not my first language. However, I forced myself to be the devil’s advocate in the meeting to avoid the group think. I have to admit that this was a bold decision and I could very much likely end up fail to connect with my team members. I will provide more details in the story section.
  • Furthermore, as I learned from the class, I realized that the importance of how the elements in emotional intelligence will shape a person to become a good leader. As written in my self-assessment, two of the most important areas that I needed to work on were the self-regulation, and the motivation. So, I have decided that during the conflicting moment at meetings, I must control myself and not reflect my emotions to my team members. Also, since I am older than all of my team members, I feel I should encourage them to perform a better task and give them the momentum.

 Below are some detailed stories to describe how I learned the materials and progressed throughout the class and group meetings.

 First time group meeting

At the end of the second week, I finally got to meet my group member outside of the class. We have contributed our own thoughts and understanding about the class and how we should be prepared for the rest of the term. This was a good start! As I mentioned from my first week post, I hope this team is not going to be any of my other teams that everybody ended up pushing their task further and later. Although I got along well with them, I felt a communication barrier between us because I am an international student and English is not my first language. There must be a different culture context involved so I couldn’t understand what their daily college life would be. So when I got home, I registered Facebook and Twitter to learn something that they all interested such as Football or other college sports; so at the beginning of every meeting later on, I will be able interact them to build a good relationship (they usually talk something about their own life in the first 15 minutes of every meeting). However, I soon realized that everybody was not on the same level of expectation for this class. Some of them wanted to get a good grade by performing a better job but some were ok with an average grade and had no sense of urgency to get into deeper learning mode. I realized that I need to think about how to balance our expectations.

 Preparation for the project

First of all, I can’t believe how easy a team can get into the group think mode. At week 4, we had officially started on our project. During the meeting, everybody was giving their thoughts about the problems that LCB has. Somehow, our ideas were basically the same, that is, students need more practical experiences at LCB! Then I realized that this was too obvious and vague problem that is difficult for us to come up with a solution to solve it. There must be a more specific and smaller section of the problem we can focus on, because we only have limited time of eight weeks. I thought this was a good time for me to act as a devil’s advocate role. I started to throw some of my suggestions about how we should focus on smaller problems and provide more details. For example, I thought we should be targeted to specific level of students at LCB and try to focus on their needs. Also, we could target on different level of alumni members to see if there is a preference that students may like to choose. I once suggested with a younger alumni workshop they are the people who just started their career and may have some valuable recommendation for current students. However, because they were all comfortable with what they agreed before, they did even want to hear my thoughts. One lesson I learned is that I did not show them enough of my confidence at the beginning. I told them my English was a problem and need to be improved; so they tended to have the pre-set mind that my suggestions probably won’t be good because I can’t even speak proper English. I realized that I should have given them enough confidence at the beginning so everybody would have treated me the same as others.      

 Prior to the first presentation

A couple days before our first presentation, I reserved a room for us in the library to discuss our first proposal and presentation. It was a Sunday morning, and I bought coffee and breakfast for everybody. I thought this could be my contribution to show them that I made more effort in the group so they can be motivated to do an efficient work. However, it did not work very well, and we ended up had a three-hour long meeting. For me, I would prefer to do a good preparation before come to the meeting, but for them, they prefer to do their tasks within the group. I was not very happy to see this, but I know this is the time I need to control my emotions and express my angry feeling on my team members. I privately talked to Eric and Kristen, and I found that they are the two who had similar expectation about the class as I did. But none of them wanted to be the bad guy to push too hard on the team. I assume it is just easier to get along well with others and everybody bears the consequence together. During the conversation, I told them that if I stood up and act like the bad guy to tell other members in the team to do a good job, I would want them to support me. They agreed. That’s the moment that I felt the sense of urgency to lead the team. As a result, it worked. The team became more productive and our presentation PPT was well prepared. According to the five practice of exemplary, I needed to model my way as a good leader at that moment, so I practiced my part for the presentation over and over, and I even made more efforts on the design and animation of our PPT slides, because I wanted to show them in action that me as a leader at that moment, I should set up a good model to encourage them to do a better job.

 Feedbacks from the mid-term

Sometimes thinking and worrying too much can be a problem to the team. As I received my feedback from my team members, I realized that they all think that I should worry less and be optimistic. I sincerely accepted their feedback because this is something that I could never discover on my own. Their observation was very subjective and I thanked everybody in the team. Because I don’t have enough confidence among all American students, I tend to worry more often of those “What if” questions. I realize that my problem could cause the team to be de-motivated and load them with too much work to do.     

 Conflict rose after the first proposal

As the term was getting more and more intensive with other class materials, everybody in the team seemed a little bit frustrated about our final proposal. Because we have gathered many valuable feedbacks, it required a much more modification for our first proposal. Within so limited time, we didn’t know how to balance the work load and choose a better alternative. Some of them thought that we should continue to focus on what we had so far and modify a little bit so we can complete our project on time. Others, including me, thought that we should modify our work significantly because what we had so far was too vague and general according to the feedbacks we have received. At this moment, I started to doubt myself that was I thinking too much again? Do we really have the time and ability to do a major modification on our project? Those questions were kept in my mind and fighting with each other for a long time. Finally, I’ve decided to go with the team, since my feedback was not to worry too much and try to let it go sometimes. Although we got a B for the project, I felt that was the best we can achieve as a team, not individually. There are much more I can do better for the team, but I realized that this project meant to be a learning process I felt I learned significantly about how to become an effective member in a team.

 Looking forward in the future         

As I mentioned that there are much more to improve in my future leadership experiences. This class just helped set up a good initiative for me to start to practice my leadership experience. To be honest, I did not learn anything until at the week 6 or 7 of the term, because that’s the time where we had the most conflicts within the team. So there was not much of time for me to practice what I have learned. First of all, one of the obvious problems for me which I did not discover at first was to not think too much. And this was the feedback I received from my teammates. I realize that thinking too much is sort of imprinted in my life and become part of my personal characteristic. I got this bad habit ever since I came to the U.S., thinking too much of how I was not capable to talk to Americans and therefore I need to think more and do more. This will decrease my confidence greatly if I don’t plan to cultivate my behavior. Besides, if I found a job later on after graduation, there are only limited amount of time for me to complete my tasks, I need to logically allocate and balance well within the limited resources I have. Focusing on excellence is always a good thing, but I think this only happens and builds up when I know I have the ability to complete certain task within certain limitation.        

Some extra observations besides the class lecture

Even though we have all the information and techniques to learn how to become a leader in a team, culture diversity sometimes arises within a team that could be a barrier to the team success. Sometimes, I just can’t seem to understand why I often think differently than all of others within my group. For example, I remember at one meeting when we were discussing about how to find a problem by targeting on different level of students at LCB. I immediately thought that we should focus on freshman, because I linked to my personal experience that an opportunity to receive an education is difficult and when they came to college as freshman, they are eager to learn; however, all of my other team members thought that freshman don’t even care about their school life because they have four years to figure out that question, and therefore, we should focus on junior and senior students. I think this is a culture difference between me and all my American teammates. But if I tend to ignore this culture difference and just judge or reject their opinion as wrong, I would miss valuable information from them.      

 Comments for the course

In my opinion, team work is absolutely a vital ability that everybody in LCB needs to have, and BA-352 provides a wonderful opportunity for students to learn how to lead. At the end of the class, one of the most common complains about the BA-352 from students including me was that, there is no leader in our group so we wasted most of our time throughout the term. Of course, in reality, companies will likely not to set up a team without an experienced leader; however, I think that is exactly what Ron’s intention for the class, and we all seemed to misunderstand it. It is a meaningful learning process to become a leader, not to think so much about how we can get an A in this class. 

by linkun

I have learned and encouraged to lead now!

March 10, 2014 in BA352WIN14

It is just unbelievable to witness how much I have developed and grew for my communication, presentation, and leadership skills throughout the the course.

I remembered at the beginning of the term, I was barely talking in front of the class, and even I was talking to the teacher and the classmates, I was so nervous. Now, after 10 weeks of intensive training and learning period, I finally be able to get rid of my nervousness and start to look forward some good perspective of my communication skills and social capability. I believe this is all attributed to both the teacher’s interactive lecturing and my teammates’ co-working experiences.

First of all, starting from the teacher’s lecturing. I can tell that all of the presentation skills and leadership development plan strategies that Ron found for us was very helpful and was being carefully selected to accommodate our professional level during the class. I was fascinating to learn how the design of the Power Point can be effective by using just using pictures as the background and put fewer and fewer words to make the slides more interesting. in addition, all of the minor changes such as color choosing, graphs, data display and so on, are also very important to facet every aspect of the presentation.

Secondly, I also need to thank my teammates who gave me a great amount of opportunities to share my thoughts with them, and being appreciated and supportive and let me practice my confidence throughout the term. I especially learned that with such big project that we have just accomplished. it is almost impossible for me to finish all of them within only 9 weeks besides all other three upper level business courses. I have to admit that this is one of my best experiences that I had in the business school so far as a team. Especially when we getting towards to the final presentation, people who weren’t serious before started to treat our teamwork more serious, and the sense of urgency really worked well for all of us.

Even though I believe I have learned so much in this course, there still some issues that I need to be watching and keep in mind for the future improvement. As the term is getting toward to be more and more intensive, many materials from other classes getting piled up, and I have to be honest to say that I did not do a good job managing all of these class materials.

Also, after the mid-term peer evaluation, I really learned that my teammates were concerned about me being too serious and too detailed and too worried about everything going on in our project, but I guess these kinds of bad behaviors have imprinted on my for so long that I just cannot get rid of them very quickly. a couple days before the final presentation day, I started to become so nervous and I reviewed and reviewed our slides and almost wanted to quit presenting because I thought our presentation was very bad designed and it is just not worthy it presenting to the class and the teacher. But finally, I have to realize that it is the time to let it go and keep focusing on something else. The presentation might not be the best presentation, but it was our 9 weeks of efforts putting it all together.

I learned a lot from the team, however, it seems like this is not even close to what Ron said about what a good team suppose to be. Just by looking at the fact that all of our team members were soooooo happy when the presentation was over, they felt a big relief, and we have never got contact each other ever since the presentation. I feel sad. If we are a good team, we probably would feel a little sad about finishing the project too soon or did not get enough time to spend on for either school work or personal life.

Anyways, I feel I have learned enough from this term and from now on, I should be able to practice what I have learned and I sure believe it will require years of years of practice before I can really call myself a good leader or even an effective team member!


by linkun

Leadership development plan is working!

February 27, 2014 in BA352WIN14

First of all, time has past too fast. I cannot believe it is almost week 9! I remember at the beginning of the first week when I was sitting in the classroom, I felt the class was so long and did not know what the purpose of this course is; however, as I was learning more and more materials on how to become a leader, I started to become more interested in this class. The teacher actually had prepared and organized well enough for the class for us to follow, learn, and develop our leadership. Overall, after almost 9 weeks of learning and practicing, I think this class indeed is one of the most beneficial classes at LCB for us. It covered all aspects of how to develop our leadership and how to be professional. At the first two weeks, I learned that the importance of building leadership and professionalism is through emotional intelligence, which can be learned, practiced, and developed, not only just some talents that someone born with it. Then once I got clear on that, I was assigned to form a team to actually practice my EI. as an international student, I often feel not good enough to talk during the class. I thought I will drag down the speed of the class if I stuck on some words or questions that I don’t understand. However, throughout the term, to be honest, I am not afraid to talk in this class anymore… I think one of the primary reasons is that I gained confidence while I am working on the projects with my group. I was being supported and and they often appreciate my ideas and concepts that I brought into the group discussion.

One of the take away lesson I learned from the class or I should say I testified is that if I’m just trying to focus only on the subject I’m doing, I will tend to forget about worrying how others’ or even myself’s judgement, and therefore ended up achieving a better performance.

Also, as I noticed, the materials I learned from this class are working not only to develop my leadership behaviors in a business manner, but it also helps me to shape myself in a positive way to live on a daily basis. I become comfortable when communicating to people around me, like my parents, my wife, my neighbors, and my other classmates at school.

In my leadership development plan, I wrote down so many positives, negatives, strengths, and weaknesses about behaviors. To be honest, now I think that, one of my biggest problem is the lack of confidence when speaking, doing homework, making daily decisions, pretty much everything… Through challenging the process, I was able to jump out of my comfort zone and take one little step at a time. This greatly helped me gain more confidence. One of the outcomes is that now, I can come up with slow but complete sentences when I’m talking to others in English.

Overall, I really like this class.

Now that we have been preparing for almost 9 weeks, it is time for our group to show our work to the teacher and the class. Odd enough, all of us don’t feel nervous at all, because we made the efforts with some sort of passion involved, and we cannot wait to share to someone. Hopefully this class will set up as a cornerstone for us to develop and progress our on going learning life.

by linkun

Self-regulation Development

February 20, 2014 in BA352WIN14

As we are entered into week 7, one week before the final proposal is due, time has become a crucial factor for us, especially after we received a score of 12/20 on the first proposal. Everybody in the team is freaked out and started to panic. I know this is the time that I need to control my emotions during our next meeting and trying to use positive attitudes to support and encourage the team to focus on how solve issues instead of finding who is being obligated. I went to Ron’s office hour and discussed with him in more details on why we had such a bad score and what are the potential opportunities there for us to improve this project. During our weekly meeting as I expected, people were unable to hold their panic feeling and started to blame each other about their inefficient work. Then, I came in and tried the best I can to explain the conversation I had with Ron about how he thinks having a class as a solution is not executable within limited amount of time. And I told them that we still have time to achieve what we originally planed, we just need to be focus on solving the problems.

Throughout the class lecture and weekly meeting for week 7, I feel like I learned quite a bit on how to work on to become an effective leader. Self-regulation is a very important element when come to such situation, especially where all of our members are equally powered and nobody wants to jump in and take the initiative to lead the team.

In two weeks, we are going to present and share our effort to the class about our 7 weeks of researching and analysis. I definitely feel both the pressure and the excitement. I am excited because I know how much effort we have been putting into, and I have faith in our team believe our project will ended up successful; however, my pressure comes into play when I am thinking how I should balance all of my work load from other classes as the materials are becoming more and more intensive within very limited amount of time. Next week, it is the time to testify my capabilities on how to handle them with appropriate behaviors that I learned in this class. Cheers!

by linkun

Review of my presentation

February 11, 2014 in BA352WIN14

I cannot believe how bad I did on the presentation. Before I watched the video, I was very confident and felt that I completely nailed the speech. However, after I watched my speech, I noticed that there were many unnecessary movements. My eyes was moving too fast and not be able to concentrate on one person for at least two seconds. I guess I was still too nervous.

In addition, the volume of my speech need to be improved as well. By comparing with Dustin and Eric, my voice was very thin and blur. As I watched myself in the video, I was able to discover that I was still pretty nervous while I was up there giving the speech.

I think it is a good opportunity for me to be able to watch my own video after my presentation, because it will give me some real feedback by me judging myself. I would never notice all these defects if I don’t watch my own speech.

In my opinion, the skill of communication and presentation is a lifetime long practice that can always be improved. I hope I will get better the next time when I am giving our final proposal.

by linkun

BA-352 First Presentation

February 11, 2014 in BA352WIN14

This week I got  the chance to practice what I have learned from the class. It is quit helpful after realizing how much I can contribute to the team. I was so nervous right before my speech and I did not even remember any of my presentation content. However, Luckily enough, once I got up on the stage, everybody’s face in front of me was so nice and kind. I felt a lot more relaxed and was be able to present and complete my speech appropriately.

I definitely challenged myself and put my self out of my comfort zone. While I was reluctantly accepting my speech, I’ve got very happy and confident after I actually gave the speech, because I think it give me the necessary skills and knowledge that I have been looking for but afraid of.

by linkun

First Proposal is coming! Nervous? or Exciting?

February 2, 2014 in BA352WIN14

This week we definitely feel the pressure because of the upcoming presentation. We have struggled on how to come up with our core message about the first proposal.

We have spent at least 5 hours outside of class, trying to integrate our researches and findings. We met in the morning at the library, and I bought Star Bucks cookies and bagels  for everyone to cheer them up. As matter of fact, we were able to distribute our tasks equally and clearly. As we have decided in the class, I will be one of the representatives for our team. I think this is a good opportunity for me to challenge myself. As an international student, I always feel nervous when talking in front of people, especially to Americans. I also noticed that I am the only international student in the class…

However, as I learned in the class this week, with appropriate practice and knowledge, my nervousness can be overcome. I think this week’s material is very helpful and useful to me. I was able to learn how to constructively communicate to the audiences. For example, the opening act for the presentation is very important, and I should make it interesting and grabbing audiences’ attention so they will remember my point.

Therefore, after I learned how to present in a professional way, I gained more confident and I think it is very helpful to develop my leadership skills.

by linkun

Week 3: developing new skills

January 25, 2014 in BA352WIN14

As the class is getting towards to our first proposal, I feel like my leadership experiences have improved. At the third week, I was able to learn how to find and describe problems in a more specific ways. At the group meeting where we were trying to find a specific need for LCB students, everybody in the group was encouraged to share their opinions. And each of us was being very critical to the problems that were being discussed. This is the first time I found the usefulness to complete a project within a group, after three and half year in college. I was able to listening closely of what others’ opinions and give them feedback in a proper manner.

In addition, I also learned the interview skills and found useful out of it as well. After each of us being assigned to interview at least five people to discover a student need from outside of our group, I start to critically asking myself what kind of questions will be appropriate and efficient to help me conducting this interview. It was very surprisingly to learn that my interview skill was terrible at first couple times. I thought there would be no difference than I’m just talking to a friend. But it was not that easy, especially when wording the questions incorrectly and people who were being asked were so confusing. Meanwhile, I couldn’t give the interviewees too many of my personal opinions because that will distract their thinking. Now I have collected enough data on hand. Over the weekend, I need to critically extract and comprehend the students’ opinions on the issue and trying to connect them into a pattern and ready to share with my teammate when we meet.

by linkun

Getting ready to jump into my group! ProDUCKtivity!

January 17, 2014 in BA352WIN14

It seems time past so fast that now it’s getting towards to the third week. I need to develop my leadership plan by challenging my self to talk more with my groups and during the class.  During the second week of the class,  I substantively learned much more new knowledge, such as group communication, design thinking, and group activity.

First of all, for the group communication, I finally got to meet my group member outside of the class, and all of us seemed getting along very well with each other. We have contributed our own thoughts and understanding about the class and how we should be prepared for the rest of the term. This is a good start! As I mentioned from my first week post, I hope this is not going to be any of my other groups that everybody ended up pushing their task further and further. Although I got along well with them, I feel a communication barrier between us because I am an international student and English is not my first language. There must be a different culture context involved so I couldn’t understand what their daily college life would be. My goal is to learn something that they all interested such as Football or Facebook, so at the beginning of every meeting, I will be able to participate the conversation with them to build a good relationship. However, I have one concern that my group members don’t have as high expectation of performance as I do in the class. I need to think about how to balance our expectations.

In the class, I have learned some helpful concepts about the design thinking. I had no idea how I can think differently than I ever can be. I was especially fascinating about how I should think out-side-of the box and how improvising is based on observation around me not just think something out of my own mind. As I mentioned in my leadership development plan, for 20 years of my life living in China, I feel like I can’t  think on my own and everything must follow a rigid rule. Now, it is my opportunity to learn and use my creative ideas that will in turn help our group project progress.

Also, for the group project, I agreed that not to find the solution unless we really understood the problem. However, we seemed unable to observe sufficient problems that LCB has. All of our observation is to improve the practical experience at LCB. I have proposed a couple of other ideas such as improving business students with their daily needs like set up a cafeteria, or a small library for students to have a quiet room to study instead of studying in the computer lab. But I need to do more research on whether it is feasible or it is indeed what students need.

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