I have learned and encouraged to lead now!
March 10, 2014 in BA352WIN14
It is just unbelievable to witness how much I have developed and grew for my communication, presentation, and leadership skills throughout the the course.
I remembered at the beginning of the term, I was barely talking in front of the class, and even I was talking to the teacher and the classmates, I was so nervous. Now, after 10 weeks of intensive training and learning period, I finally be able to get rid of my nervousness and start to look forward some good perspective of my communication skills and social capability. I believe this is all attributed to both the teacher’s interactive lecturing and my teammates’ co-working experiences.
First of all, starting from the teacher’s lecturing. I can tell that all of the presentation skills and leadership development plan strategies that Ron found for us was very helpful and was being carefully selected to accommodate our professional level during the class. I was fascinating to learn how the design of the Power Point can be effective by using just using pictures as the background and put fewer and fewer words to make the slides more interesting. in addition, all of the minor changes such as color choosing, graphs, data display and so on, are also very important to facet every aspect of the presentation.
Secondly, I also need to thank my teammates who gave me a great amount of opportunities to share my thoughts with them, and being appreciated and supportive and let me practice my confidence throughout the term. I especially learned that with such big project that we have just accomplished. it is almost impossible for me to finish all of them within only 9 weeks besides all other three upper level business courses. I have to admit that this is one of my best experiences that I had in the business school so far as a team. Especially when we getting towards to the final presentation, people who weren’t serious before started to treat our teamwork more serious, and the sense of urgency really worked well for all of us.
Even though I believe I have learned so much in this course, there still some issues that I need to be watching and keep in mind for the future improvement. As the term is getting toward to be more and more intensive, many materials from other classes getting piled up, and I have to be honest to say that I did not do a good job managing all of these class materials.
Also, after the mid-term peer evaluation, I really learned that my teammates were concerned about me being too serious and too detailed and too worried about everything going on in our project, but I guess these kinds of bad behaviors have imprinted on my for so long that I just cannot get rid of them very quickly. a couple days before the final presentation day, I started to become so nervous and I reviewed and reviewed our slides and almost wanted to quit presenting because I thought our presentation was very bad designed and it is just not worthy it presenting to the class and the teacher. But finally, I have to realize that it is the time to let it go and keep focusing on something else. The presentation might not be the best presentation, but it was our 9 weeks of efforts putting it all together.
I learned a lot from the team, however, it seems like this is not even close to what Ron said about what a good team suppose to be. Just by looking at the fact that all of our team members were soooooo happy when the presentation was over, they felt a big relief, and we have never got contact each other ever since the presentation. I feel sad. If we are a good team, we probably would feel a little sad about finishing the project too soon or did not get enough time to spend on for either school work or personal life.
Anyways, I feel I have learned enough from this term and from now on, I should be able to practice what I have learned and I sure believe it will require years of years of practice before I can really call myself a good leader or even an effective team member!
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