
If you have any questions about Canvas, read the ITC Canvas FAQ page, visit ITC in the Knight or Science library, or call them at (541) 346-1935.

If you have course-specific questions about Cavas (where to find something, etc.) please let your instructor know.

Dealing with Problems:

The rule of thumb for finding help with problems is this:  If it’s a content or grade question, contact the instructor.  Otherwise, contact one of the many technology resources that the UO offers. An excellent place to start for technical help is the help homepage for Distance Education (available to any student enrolled in this class).   Keep in mind when you’re asking for help to ALWAYS INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND THE CLASS YOU’RE TAKING in the email message.  The posts below are general troubleshooting guides.

Troubleshooting for Canvas:

Your problem is: Try this:
Trouble logging on for the first time Read the ITC Canvas FAQ page, visit ITC in the Knight or Science library, or call them at (541) 346-1935.
Can’t find your grade for a particular exam, assignment, etc. Contact instructor
Problem with quizzes Contact instructor
‘System Error’ message when you try to log on 1) Wait a couple hours and try again (system is probably down for maintenance).  2) Contact ITC (above).

Troubleshooting for Email:

Your problem is: Try this:
Not receiving emails from instructor 1)  Check your preferred email address in Canvas, make sure it’s correct.  2)  Make sure instructor’s email address isn’t blocked by your spam filter.
Can’t send email/attachments 1) Contact your Internet service/email provider.  2) Contact the Distance Education technology assistant at

Troubleshooting for Assignments (Written/Extra Credit):

Your problem is: Try this:
Don’t know what assignment is Re-read this page and/or check Blackboard site.
Don’t know when assignment is due Re-read this page and/or check Blackboard site.
Can’t send assignment as an attachment Either paste the assignment into the body of the email message OR contact the Distance Education technology assistant at
Haven’t received your assignment back with comments and grades 1) Wait a couple of days (it may take a little while for the instructor to finish grading for the whole class).  2) Contact instructor.
Can’t open attached assignment 1) Contact instructor and request assignment be re-sent.  2) Contact the Distance Education technology assistant at

Unit Exams (SSIL)

Go to the SSIL website ( for the following:

1. Register to take exams (do this by the second week of classes).

2. Register to take exams off-campus/Arrange for a remote proctor.

3. Make an appointment to take an exam.


Your problem is: Try this:
Can’t view answers to exam questions Students are not permitted to view the exam questions after they’ve finished, only their final grade.  If you want to go over specific questions/answers, make an appointment with your instructor to meet and look over the exam in person.
Subjective questions on exam marked ‘ungraded’ Contact instructor.
Exam scores not posted on Blackboard 1) Wait a couple of days (instructor must enter grades by hand).

2) Contact instructor.

Troubleshooting for Quizzes (Canvas) & IPA practices (Canvas)

Your problem is: Try this:
Can’t find quizzes Log onto the Canvas site for this course, then click on Assignments > Quizzes.
Can’t view quizzes/practices correctly 1) Log out of Canvas and close your browser.  Re-open and try again.  2)  Contact instructor (explain what you’re seeing/not seeing in as much detail as possible).
Can’t find your grade Read instructions in Quizzes folder carefully (no grade for practices).
‘Error’ message when you try to take quiz Contact instructor.
Asks for password Contact instructor.