Requirements and Grades:

This course is graded based on the following criteria:

  1. 4 written assignments;
  2. 4 unit exams of approximately one hour each;
  3. 1 final exam of approximately two hours.

All requirements must be completed by the deadlines given in the Calendar section of this document.

Written assignments must be submitted electronically through Canvas. Emailed assignments will not be accepted. Each assignment must be submitted on or before the listed deadline. Be sure to keep a copy of your assignment.

The instructor will *NOT* inform you via email that your assignment was received. Do contact your instructor if you don’t receive a score for your assignment 5 days after the deadline (scores will be posted in the gradebook, which can be accessed by clicking ‘Grades’ on the left).

No incompletes will be given for this course!

Unit 1 Written Assignment 10 points
Unit 1 Exam 50 points
Unit 2 Written Assignment 10 points
Unit 2 Exam 50 points
Unit 3 Written Assignment 10 points
Unit 3 Exam 50 points
Unit 4 Written Assignment 10 points
Unit 4 Exam 50 points
Final Exam 100 points
Total for course 340 points

If you are taking the class for a grade:

Cumulative points

Grade awarded

335 – 340


313 – 334


305 – 312


298 – 304


278 – 297


271 – 277


264 – 270


244 – 263


236 – 243


203 – 235


0 – 202


If you are taking this class pass/no pass:

Cumulative Points

Grade awarded

236 – 340


0 – 235


This course is not graded on a curve. However, extra credit points are offered as a way to improve your scores.

ReminderAll students enrolled in this course are subject to the ASUO Student Code of Conduct and all work, both in required and extra credit assignments, is expected to conform to UO policies for Student Academic Integrity.

NOTE: The University of Oregon does not provide grades by mail. In order to find out your grade, you must use Duck Web. Information on using these options is available in the Schedule of Classes.