Morpheme Sets:

Morphemes are parts of words (or word roots). You need to memorize one set of morphemes and their meanings for each unit.

Morpheme sets are available in each unit’s subsection in Modules. Memorize the set which corresponds to the unit you are studying. For example, you should memorize Morpheme Set 1 while studying Unit 1. The Unit 1 Exam will test your knowledge of Morpheme Set 1 (as well as other Unit 1 materials). NB: The morpheme sets for this course are not the same as the morpheme sets in the textbook! Be sure you are studying the morpheme sets from the Study Unit homepages!


  1. know the form(s) of the morpheme,
  2. know its meaning(s), and
  3. be able to recognize it in a word.

The BEST way to memorize morphemes:

  1. get 3×5 cards or other small cards or papers and make “flash cards,” i.e. write the form(s) of the morpheme on one side of the card and its meaning(s) on the other;
  2. study the morphemes for short periods, two to three times a day.
  3. try to think of words that you already know that contain the morphemes you’re trying to learn.  If you can’t think of any, use a dictionary to find words that start with those morphemes.  Read the definitions of those words and try to think about how those definitions relate to the meaning of the morphemes you’re studying.  Do this with just one or two morphemes per day so you don’t get confused.

Don’t try to cram this studying. Cramming may work in the short run, but students who attempt it often find themselves failing by the end of the course. This is because the material expands rapidly, and it is difficult to retain so much information when it is not well-learned. Psychological studies show that memorized material is retained best if done in small amounts and repeated at regular intervals. Successful students often carry their flash cards with them to study during odd moments throughout the day.

Remember to go back and review morphemes from previous units before taking each unit exam. ANY MORPHEME CAN APPEAR ON ANY LATER EXAM AFTER IT HAS BEEN ASSIGNED. Building vocabulary is a cumulative process.