By: Liza Horn
The debate regarding the ethical issue of euthanasia has been ongoing for decades. Although the euthanasia numbers have drastically decreased since the 1970’s according to the United States Humane Society, they have also reported that 3.4 million animals had been euthanized in 2013. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals states that euthanasia involves the intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital into an animal that may have aggressive tendencies, serious injuries, old age, or may occur simply due to overcrowded shelters. Lane County and the city of Eugene have an abundant number of animals without homes and proper care that unfortunately lead to abandonment and euthanasia. Organizations like West Coast Dog and Cat Rescue, Greenhill Humane Society, and Pro-Bone-O are combating this issue by providing care or shelter to these animals that cannot stand up for themselves. This is an ongoing issue in Eugene and surrounding cities, but the strong efforts of these organizations are making big strides in combatting the overpopulation of pets in the county.