Ask a Question

We would like to write about student submitted questions that could be relevant for UO students. If you have a mental health related question that you would like to see discussed on the blog, please submit it using the form below. Please keep your questions general in nature. Examples might be: What are some ways to cope with insomnia? How can students help a friend who has an eating disorder? What are the treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder? What steps can a student take if they think they may have ADD?

Let’s Talk About It is not an online counseling or crisis service. If you need to consult about a personal situation or your individual mental health needs, please contact the University Counseling and Testing Center at 541 346-3227. When the Counseling Center is closed, this same number will connect you to the After Hours-Support and Crisis Line.

Please do not use your real name when submitting this form.