Creative Spirituality

In the reading, The Mission of Art, the author characterizes the differences between looking and deeply seeing. With looking, or observation, we glance upon things casually, and chances are we won’t remember those types of moments. For instance, walking to class, I see dozens of other people, but I am not focused on them at all. If I look in someone’s direction that I am unfamiliar with, it more like I am looking through them rather than at them. However, when I see an acquaintance in a crowd of unfamiliar faces, that’s all I see. The author stated, “When deeply seeing, the object of our contemplation enters our heart and mind directly” (72). Applying this quote to my scenario, my object of interest would be my friend that I am passing on my way to class.

A question that I had from the reading regards chakras. I am confused as to what the energy is that they mediate. Is it referring to spiritually energy, for instance, good and bad vibes? The author refers to something as “subtle energetic vibration” (95), but I was confused if this was an actual scientific thing.

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