Statement of Solidarity with and Accountability to Black Lives in the UO Community and beyond

The UO Latinx Strategies Group is a dynamic alliance of students, staff, and faculty that works to address issues of importance to Latinx members of the University and the greater Eugene-Springfield community. In all that we do, we recognize our limitations and strive to do better.

Joining our voices to the resounding cry, the UO Latinx Strategies Group also believes that

• As members from the UO community, we stand in solidarity with our colleagues in the Black Strategies Group, Lyllye Reynolds-Parker Black Cultural Center, and the Black Academic Excellence Team.

• As a fellow Strategies Group, we pledge to listen more attentively and actively seek
collaboration with and support the activities of the Black Strategies Group.

• We support the list of demands the Black Student Collective has put forward and believe seeing these demands come to fruition will make great strides to making our campus a more equitable and inclusive space.

• As part of working against anti-Blackness on a larger scale, we recognize that our Latinx
community has often displayed hatred and systemic anti-Blackness towards Afro-Latinx
members within our own community. Building upon available resources, we are engaging in a series of activities to teach ourselves about this situation and will design activities to address these issues on a larger scale in the UO community next year.

Being supportive of the BLM movement means listening to Black voices without speaking for them. As the Black Strategies Group reminded us, this conversation has long existed and will continue. We are listening and want to partner in the positive change that needs to come. We call upon the administration to take the necessary steps to do the same.

In solidarity,
Latinx Strategies Group


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About Juan Eduardo Wolf

Associate Professor, Ethnomusicology, UO School of Music and Dance; Core Faculty, Folklore Studies Program; Coordinator, World Music Series;;; Ethnography: Styling Blackness in Chile (IU Press)
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