P.A.T.O.S. Award Nominations

P.A.T.O.S. stands for Patos Avanzando Tradiciones con Orgullo Sobresaliente.

Translation: Ducks advancing traditions with outstanding pride. Begin your nomination by filling out this qualtrics

This winter term we will honor several outstanding students, faculty, staff, community members and allies for their various achievements and contributions to our campus community. These contributions can be in the areas of service to the community, for exemplifying or upholding traditional values or practices, or for academic improvement or achievement.

We will honor the awardees during the 14th Annual Raza Unida Youth Conference (RUYC) Friday, February 2nd, 2018. This year’s theme is Flourishing Together (Floreciendo Juntos). This is a reminder that no matter what struggles we face, as people of color, we flourish together.

Nominations are due January 26. Thank you for your participation!

About Juan Eduardo Wolf

Associate Professor, Ethnomusicology, UO School of Music and Dance; Core Faculty, Folklore Studies Program; Coordinator, World Music Series; http://music.uoregon.edu/people/faculty/jewolf; https://www.facebook.com/worldmusicseries; Ethnography: Styling Blackness in Chile (IU Press)
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