Public Art
The Runquist murals represent the development of arts and science throughout time. For my project I wanted to recreate the murals to combine art and science and to include a modern version of them. I used photoshop to add in TVs, iPads, headphones, and turntables to the original Development of the Arts Runquist mural. Doing this represents the combination of arts and science in our time. Nowadays we use the technology we have to listen to, look at, and create art. When the Runquist murals were created there was a separation between the arts and sciences, so that is why the artists made two different murals for them. I believe that now art and science go hand in hand, so that is why I chose to combine the two for my recreation. I also chose to add paints to the murals in order to represent a modern art form that is often seen in our time.