Personal Adornment Reflection Essay

I believe that the way I dress best reflects the mood that I am in. On days that I show up in running shorts and a t-shirt, this reflects my mood because from this outfit an observer would most likely assume that I was tired and feeling lazy when I got dressed that morning. There are also days where I will put a little more effort into my outfit for school or work and this most often comes from the mood I was in when I woke up, which on a day like this would mean that I was not tired when I woke up. I find myself wearing comfortable clothes most of the time. I prefer to wear clothes that make me feel like I am lounging all day. I believe that clothes can say a lot about a person and their mood based on what they chose to wear and how they present themselves. Although I prefer to be as comfortable as possible all the time I do think that there is a time and place for everything. I believe that one should dress based on the occasion and make sure that their outfit is not too dressed up or too dressed down. For instance if you are going out to dinner I do not think that it is appropriate to show up in sweatpants. However, this is just my personal opinion and others may feel that it is okay to do.

My personal beliefs about body adornment is that when someone is getting a tattoo or a piercing they should take into consideration how it will affect them in life and if it will put them at any sort of disadvantages. Although it may not be right, it is a part of our society that one is less likely to get hired for a high-level job if they are covered in tattoos and piercings. I personally do not believe that this is okay and I think that people should try to put judgments based off of body adornment to the side when they are hiring someone, but sadly many people get turned down for jobs based on the amount of tattoos and piercings that they have. It has just become a part of our society, but I do think that over time this judgment may start to change. To this day my mom still tells me that I am not allowed to get a tattoo that cannot be hidden because she does not want me to risk loosing any job opportunities based off of a tattoo. So she was realized when I showed her my tattoo and that it is in a place on my body that can easily be hidden.

I believe that our society feels a bit different about piercings then they do about tattoos. It is more socially accepted to have ones ears pierced then it is to have a visible tattoo. This may be because a standard earring piercing is a lot more subtle and less personal then a tattoo. However, I believe that the majority of society feels the same way about tattoos as they do about piercings on ones face. The likely hood that someone with their lip pierced would get turned down for a job is a lot higher then someone with only their ears pierced.  I have a total of 7 ear piercings and I sometimes wonder if that will negatively affect me later in life. Personally I feel that they will not be a problem, but I could be wrong. I do not really have an idea about what the majority of societies views on having multiple ear piercings are. I made the choice to get multiple ear piercings simply because I like the way they look. I think it is cool that I am able to poke a hole in my ear and wear jewelry in it. Piercings are such an interesting and odd concept to me, but I really enjoy having them.

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