By: <Maddy Kunstel>
Dominique Chapman rescued her dog Beau at her local dog rescue in San Diego. Beau was at risk of euthanasia at his previous shelter, and was deemed unfit to live. A year after adoption, Beau has become Dominique’s licensed emotional support dog, and goes everywhere with her.
Dominique Chapman, 20, with her rescue and emotional support dog Beau. Dominique has lived alone with Beau in a studio apartment for the past two years as she takes classes at the University of Oregon.
Dominique rescued Beau from a shelter in San Diego, her home town. Beau was deemed untrainable, and at risk of being euthanized. Dominique decided to take on the challenge and adopt him, and the two have become inseparable.
Dominique and Beau heading off to her Friday class. From classes, to hikes, to grocery shopping, Dominique takes Beau everywhere she goes.
After her psychiatrist’s approval, Dominique was able to get Beau certified as an emotional support animal. Beau now helps Dominique handle her anxiety and panic attacks.
Dominique and her neighbor, Xavier Pinder, playing outside with Beau. When initially rescued, Beau was very timid and wasn’t friendly around other humans, but after some training and TLC, he now loves attention from others.