Artifact 6: Creative Spirituality


  • Become familiar with was in which spirituality influences artists
  • Discuss the differences between spirituality and religion
  • Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity


In this weeks reading about Deeply Seeing, Grey addresses the necessities involved for creating accurate artwork.  Rather than just simply looking at someone or something, an artist must see to create.  The idea of including spirituality into artwork comes from this idea of deeply seeing.  Look past what is on the outside, material, and look into someone’s soul.  The author addresses Saint Bonavantures three eyes of knowing, “The eye of flesh sees the outer realm of material objects; the eye of reason sees symbolically…and the mystic eye of contemplation sees the luminous transcendental realms” (Grey, 73).  Spirituality comes from the later two of Bonaventures three eyes and includes the radiant beauty of the art object. The concept of including spirituality into artwork is brought out with creativity.  The author breaks down creativity into formulation, saturation and incubation, which is the process of finding, seeing and interpreting the subject. Following those are inspiration, translation and integration, which is the process of the artist creating his mental artwork and putting into action and showing it off to the world (Grey, 75). By actually being inspired, saturating, and integrating spirituality into the work rather than just looking and creating, the work becomes much more personalized.  The difference to me, after reading this article, between spirituality and religion is clear.  The article expresses spirituality as someone’s inside beauty and nature versus what is seen on the outside.  It is the deeper meaning behind the first glance.  Religion is more the organized beliefs of some higher power.  I think religion is seen though examining someone’s spirituality; it is a part of the substance within a person.


I wouldn’t consider myself a very artistic person, but this weeks reading about deeply seeing was relatable to me.  I can apply the concepts to things in my life besides art. I think that it is important to look beyond the outside of people, don’t judge a book by its cover sort of thing.  I can imagine how seeing can help an artist creatively though, especially if they are presenting people.  Getting to know a person within, an artist can convey the emotion or well being in the work of art.  For example, an artist who looks at homely dressed person might not know the gentle soul inside.  Seeing someone’s spirituality, their soul is much more powerful.  This concept of adding depth to the artwork represents the 1st and 3rd objectives of this assignment.


The picture above represents a well-known metaphor, “the tip of the iceberg”. But it is so true and relevant this week.  There can be so much beneath the surface of you just look, see rather.  It can be so important.

The 2nd objective of this week ( examine the difference between spirituality and religion) I covered in the artifact: The article expresses spirituality as someone’s inside beauty and nature versus what is seen on the outside.  It is the deeper meaning behind the first glance.  Religion is more the organized beliefs of some higher power. But I will also cover in my opinion on the next artifact.

In the future I plan to take this message to heart.  I can admit I have been quick to judge, but I need to give people the benefit of the doubt.  There is always a story behind the cover.  I would not want someone to take one look at my and formulate an opinion, who knows what they will come up with.  I’d rather have them SEE who I really am before making that opinion.  So I will make the effort to do the same.

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