Artifact 5: Personal Adornment


  • Evaluate personal values and paradigms around body decoration and physical beauty.


Reflecting on how I dress is going to be somewhat of a difficult task, I don’t fit into one certain mold, nor do I want to.  However, when putting myself next to someone else who is perhaps from a different nationality or culture there are clear differences in our dress.  In general, I am simply dressed without anything over the top.  I wake up, and put on something comfortable most of the time.  But I did shop for those clothes; I have a style that I set out for when I go shopping.  The prompt for this assignment asked if family values and influence factors into my choices and I think it does.  In this essay I will attempt to examine who I present myself the way I do and where my reasons stem from.

Looking through my closet, I have a lot of basic t-shirts and long sleeves, and most of my tank tops are fancier or more brightly colored for summer time.  I don’t normally wear a lot of prints, but if I do it will be with a solid pairing.  Most of my clothing is loose and comfortable maybe slightly fitted but not revealing.  I do have ‘going out’ attire such a dresses that are different from the rest of my attire.  I think it is expected in my peer group and surroundings that when going out you dress out of your ordinary to some extent.  I will never wear anything I am uncomfortable with.  On the other end of the spectrum, I also have a lot of athletic attire.  As far as accessories, yet again I am simple with nothing too fancy or expensive.  I wear plain studded earrings (fake) with most of my jewelry from Forever21.  As far as shoes, I wear mostly vans, converse or Nike’s for tennis shoes.  I have a few pair of nicer riding boots and rain boots for colder weather.  I occasionally wear toms and sandals when the weather is nicer.  As far as high-heels, I would say I have less pair than the average girl, but some for those ‘going out’ dresses mentioned above. I don’t currently have any tattoos and have no real desire to get one either and I have two ear piercings in each ear.

Above I addressed all of my personal and body adornment.  My personal beliefs are represented by my adornment.  I believe that what is on the inside speaks more then what is on the outside.  Meaning, I don’t dress bold to get attention or portray who I am, I let my actions and speak louder. The biggest value I think I have that is portrayed by my dress is self-respect.  I only speak for myself, but I don’t like to dress revealing to gain the approval of other people, I have enough self-respect for myself without seeking it elsewhere. Another value I have is health.  I wear a lot of athletic attire because I enjoy working out.  I have been an athlete for all of my life and pursuing a medical career currently, I know even more now how valuable the human body is.  Personally, I don’t have any tattoos because they are permanent.  I have nothing important enough to ink onto my body forever.  Perhaps this can tie back into my modesty somewhat.  Another value I have is practicality.  I don’t spend my money on frivolous things such as expensive jewelry and purses.  I believe I can dress stylishly and more than anything comfortable without an expensive price tag.

The way I was raised also has a lot to do with my personal values and they way I dress.  My family is fairly modest and reserved for the most part.  No wild tattoos and extensive piercing.  My parents are both professionals and have passed along the value for success to me.  Since I want to be in the medical profession, I know tattoos and piercings are not preferred.  The value of self-respect, I believe was also passed on to me by my family.  It was important to them that people see me as a self respected women, and now I value the same.  By not showing off my skin excessively, or having facial piercings and tattoos I think I portray that.  In general, I think it is still seen as less sophisticated and professional if you do these things and I would not like to be seen that way.

Over the years, I have generally had the same values and therefore dressed the same.  As I have grown up however, I have become more of a professional in attire and presence.  When I was younger going to the park and getting grass stains on my jeans was not a big deal, however now I would change.  I like to look presentable and clean.  Overall, the way I dress does represent who I am and what I value.  What I value comes from my internal desires as well as the things my parents and family value.


I enjoyed this assignment because it was very personal, there was no right and wrong. I was able to analyze the clothing, shoes, and accessories I wear.  Taking my values into consideration, things like prestige and wealth from artifact 1, I should dress appropriately.  Taking the time to look into the items I do wear on a daily basis allowed me to think that maybe my values aren’t always displayed by what I wear, or that perhaps I have different values than I thought. I don’t always dress prestigious, sometimes I fit in with everyone around me, but that is another value-community.  I want people to respect me and take me seriously, and in today’s society, facial tattoos and piercings aren’t universally accepted, especially in the job world.  That is mostly why I don’t have the desire to get those things.  This evaluation of my values with my body decoration meets the objective listed above.

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The picture displayed, is something I aspire.  This woman is dressed to impress.  She is conservative, business worthy and respectful.  She looks like someone trying to succeed, or already has.  She has goals.  This may not all be true for this woman, but she appears that way.  Which is another point, your look says a lot about you.

In the future, I see my values staying the same or even expanding further.  Because of this, in general, I see my clothing choices generally staying the same.  As I become a professional, I will dress more professionally.  My body adornment will adapt.

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