

Portfolio Objectives:

  • Document progress over the length of the course
  • Develop valuable computer skills
  • Demonstrate evidence of meeting course objectives

This portfolio is an accumulation of my thoughts and perspectives of the assigned readings, research and videos that I have watched throughout the course of this term. Each pages consists of objectives, that I worked throughout each week to complete and comprehend, followed by an artifact that distinctly represents my view on the subject, hopefully giving new insight or perspectives of the assigned topic. Following the artifact, there is a reflection, on how the objectives and artifact connect and create an advanced understanding of the material. Lastly, there is a section designed to explain how this will affect myself in the immediate of long term future.

Overall Course Objectives:

  • Consider culturally based versus universally based theories of art.
  • Examine the political, regional, economic, technological, religious, ethnic, gender,
  • and generational influences that shape conceptions of art.
  • Consider gender, race, and ethnicity in relation to representation in art.
  • Examine contemporary and historical cross-cultural examples of art.

Primary Audience:

The primary audience for my portfolio, would consist of my profession Scott Huette, as well as the rest of the AAD 250 class (current and future), and the University of Oregon as a whole.


This layout is designed to be used by all levels of computer skills. There is a simply laid out Table of Contents that will lead to all of the artifacts I have wrote throughout this course. Each artifact concludes with a APA style bibliography of texts I have used to create the artifact.


Being a business major, rarely is there an opportunity to learn about art and blog; typically the average format is scantron/essay test format, that requires hours of reading a textbook. This class allows me to go into new territory, and learn through outlets like videos, blogs, texts, pictures, etc, and then be able to write and reflect on the insight gained.


Artifact one: First Blog

Artifact two: Values

Artifact three: What is art?

Artifact four: Food

Artifact five: Adornment

Artifact six: Horror

Artifact seven: Creative Spirituality

Artifact eight: Technology

Artifact nine: Remix

Artifact ten: Public Art

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