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Home / About Me

June 6, 2023

Hello! My name is Kelton Herrick. I’m from West Linn, Oregon, which is a suburb outside of Portland, Oregon. I’m currently a junior at the University of Oregon. I started my college career at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, but I transferred back home during the spring of my sophomore year. Going into college I decided to study kinesiology because I thought that I wanted to pursue a career in the health and fitness world. However, after my sophomore year, I switched my major to advertising with a minor in sports business. I realized that I wanted to follow a more creative path. Ever since I was little I’ve loved creating and producing material, whether that was building my own Lego cars, making short films on iMovie or drawing. I’m still extremely passionate about sports, and I’m definitely open to working in the sports business world in the future. When I’m not working, I enjoy playing basketball, snowboarding, skateboarding or doing anything outside with friends.

J211-Gateway to Media is a class that all students in the School of Journalism & Communication are required to take. The class focuses on introducing students to the four main types of media. Students are required to produce a text story, photo story, audio story and video story. This website showcases the work that I have completed throughout the last three months in J211. I am proud of the work I have created, and I hope you enjoy it too!

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