Practice Schedule

Winter 2025:
Tuesday 7:30-9:30pm @ Studio 41. (Taikai practice) Please be ready to go when you enter the door..
Thursday 6:30-8:30pm @ Studio 41. Please be ready to go when you enter the door.
Friday 5:30-8:30pm @ Studio 41. Please be ready to go when you enter the door.

Club members are encouraged to attend whenever possible, but we all understand that class work and other things must sometimes take priority.

Members of the UO community are welcome to attend introductory practices without obligation. This term, Fridays are dedicated to beginners, but you can also join any time/day in the term. Please bring a water bottle, wear clothes you can exercise in, and take you shoes off before stepping onto the mat / practice space. Masks are optional.

Practices are all held in Studio 41 this term. However, some days might need to be relocated due to scheduling conflicts with the REC. In the event of such a relocation, below is a map with other rooms that we typically hold practices in.

Typical practice contents of regular practices:

Half hour:
• Stretching
• Suburi (swings) practice
• Footwork

One hour:
• Opening formalities.
• Basic strikes and partner drills
• Variable practice (skills/mock competition/other)

Half hour:
• Free practice (jigeiko).
• Closing formalities.

Depending on the term schedule, we may also concentrate on conditioning, practice matches, or promotion exam contents. During longer practices, we have more time to work on kata (forms), do jigeiko, and work with beginners.

Kendo for UO students and the UO community.