Shinai with note from a photo by Caleb Trinidad, Instagram: caleb_okimi

Japanese Terms

There is no Japanese vocabulary requirement for testing; however, the following terms come up often. You are welcome to use English when appropriate (such as when counting) or the Korean equivalents if you are familiar with kumdo.

Keiko(稽古)traditional training/practice

1 Ichi(一)or Ipponmé(一本目)
2 Ni(二)or Nihonmé
3 San(三)or Sanbonmé
4 Shi (Yon)(四)or Yonhonmé
5 Go(五)or Gohonmé
6 Roku(六)or Ropponmé
7 Shichi (Nana)(七)or Nanahonmé
8 Hachi(八)or Happonmé
9 Kyū(九)or Kyūhonmé
10 (十)or Jupponmé

Rei (礼)Bow
Onegai shimasu。(お願いします)I ask you a favor. (Said when to a new training partner.)
Arigatou gozaimasu。(ありがとうございます)Thank you.
Otsukaresama desu。(お疲れさまです)You worked hard. (Said after practice)

The four targets:
· Men(面)
· Koté(小手)
· (胴)
· Tsuki(突き)

Opening/Closing Formalities:
1. Seiretsu(整列)Stand in formation.
2. Chakuza(着座)Be seated.
3. Mokusō(黙想)Meditate.
4. Shōmen ni, rei(正面に、例)To the front, bow.
(Sensei ni, rei(先生に、例)To sensei, bow.)
5. Otagai ni, rei(お互いに、例)To each other, bow.

Suburi (素振り)Practice swings:
To start suburi:
Kamae. Shōmen suburi, sanjūpon. Hajimé.
Stand ready. Forward swings, 30. Begin.
1. Jōgei suburi(上下素振り)Up-down swings
2. Shōmen suburi(正面素振り)Front “men” swings
3. Sayū suburi(左右素振り)Left-Right swings
4. Hiraki-ashi(開き足)Open footwork
5. Left-handed suburi
6. Small strikes suburi
7. Matawari Suburi(股割素振り)Deep-stretch swings
8. Hayasuburi(早素振り)Quick swings
(Chōyaku suburi(跳躍素振り)jumping suburi)

· Chūdan(中段)The middle stance
· Hidari Jodan(左上段)Left upper stance
· Migi Jodan(右上段)Right upper stance
· Hassō(中段の構え)”All directions” stance
· Waki-gamaé(脇構え)Side stance
· Sagetō(提刀)Sword lowered at side
· Taitō(帯刀)Sword at the hip
· Sonkyō(蹲踞)Formal crouch

Kata(形)The forms
1. Nihon Kendo Kata(日本剣道形)
2. Bokutō ni yoru kendo kihon keikohō(木刀による剣道基本稽古法)The basics kata.
Shitachi (仕立ち) The student / following / victorious role in the Nihon Kendo Kata.
Uchitachi (打太刀)
The teaching / lead role in the Nihon Kendo Kata.

· Shinai(竹刀)Bamboo sword
· Bokutō(木刀)Wood sword
· Iaitō(居合刀)Metal iai practice sword
· Nihontō(日本刀)Japanese sword
· Kendōgu(剣道具)or (less formally) bōgu(防具)The armor/protectors used in kendo.
· Keikogi(稽古着)or just gi(着)the jacket-like of the uniform.
· Hakama(袴)the pant-like part of the uniform.

Intermediate Terms:

Shiai/Taikai (試合・大会) Match/Competition:
· Hajime (始め) Begin!
· Yamé (止め) Stop!
· Jikan desu. (時間です) Time!
· Men/Koté/Dō/Tsuki/Ippon ari. (打突あり) A point is scored!
· Nihonmé (二本目) Begin second point!
· Shōbu (勝負) Match point!
· Shōbu ari. (勝負あり) Match is decided!
· Hikiwaké (引き分け) Tie!
· Wakaré (分かれ) Seperate!
· Hanzoku ikkai/nikkai (反則) First/Second penalty.
· Gōgi (合議) Referees consult.
· Shinpan (審判) Referee
· Tachiai (立会い) Facing an opponent.
· Tasuki (タスキ) Red or white flag worn to identify competitors.

· Te-no-uchi (手の内) Grip
· Zanshin (残心)
· Ki-ken-tai-itchi (気剣体一致)
· Semé (攻め)
· Ma-ai (間合い) Distance
· Enzan no metsuké (遠山の目付) Like looking at a distant mountain
· Mushin (無心)
· Fudōshin (不動心)
· Bushidō (武士道)
· Saé (冴え)

Waza (技) Techniques (in order of the Keiko-Hō)
1. Kihon uchi (基本打ち) Basic strikes
2. Renzoku waza (連続技) Continuous strikes
3. Harai waza (払い技) Beat/sweep
4. Hiki waza (引き技) Retreating
5. Nuki waza (抜き技) Avoiding the attack
6. Suriagé waza (すり上げ技) Counter-attack in the same line
7. Debana waza (出端技) Counter-attack in time
8. Kaeshi waza (返し技) Counter-attack with a change of direction
9. Uchi-otoshi waza (打ち落し技) Knocking down the attack and countering

Common practice methods:
· Kirikaeshi (切り返し) A drill incorporating many kendo concepts: Shōmen followed by (9) sayū men, repeat, shōmen
· Men/Kote/Do-uchi (打ち) Strikes
· Uchikomi (打ち込み) Practice in which motodachi shows clear targets and the other person strikes and continues.
· Kakari-geiko (掛かり稽古) Like uchikomi, but without clear opportunities and time to adjust
· Ji-geiko (自稽古) Free partner practice
· Mawari-geiko (回り芸子) Like ji-geiko, but rotating partners
· Gōdō-geiko (合同稽古) Practice regardless of rank

Other practice terms:
· Motodachi
(元立ち) The lead / receiving role
· Kakarité (掛かり手) The student / striking role

Shōdan shinsa (昇段審査) Rank Test
· Mudansha (無段者) Someone without dan rank
· Ikkyū (一級) One kyū and below are lower ranks
· Shō-dan (初段) One dan and above are middle to higher ranks

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