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This Week at the JSMA: 2/22/16

Here is our weekly update of events and activities happening at the JSMA and with JSMAC!


Thursday, February 25:

JSMAC Meeting

10am-11am in the JSMA Student Lounge

We will continue to work in our committee groups to facilitate planning for the upcoming student art exhibition. We will also discuss our upcoming Influx event.


Throughout the week of February 22:

Our Call for Art for the Spring Student Art Exhibition, Taboo!, is ongoing this week! Feel free to share with friends and classmates as we would love to feature students from varied disciplines! See the flyer below for more information:

Taboo Call for Art JSMAC


JSMAC Sketchbook Collective at MNCH

You will find plenty of sketching inspiration at The Museum of Natural and Cultural History this Sunday, February 21st. The JSMAC Sketchbook Collective will meet in the lobby at 11:00.

We all drew from imagination during childhood, taking inspiration from dinosaurs, the creatures in our dreams, or other mysteries of our minds. Give yourself permission to open up your imagination. Maybe you decide to draw a fascinating creature that you already know about, or maybe it’s entirely made up. Why did you give it the features that you did? What does it do? What is its story?


This Week at the JSMA: 2/15/16

Here is our weekly update of events and activities happening at the JSMA and with JSMAC!

Saturday, February 20:

Sketchbooks and Illustration with Instructor Ken O’Connell


$20 ($10 for students)

Ken O’Connell, Professor Emeritus of art will conduct a mini workshop on sketchbook/illustration where participants will work the whole time in their sketchbooks drawing and coloring. Working from observation or imagination, O’Connell will lead participants through ways of sketching and developing the sketch using light and dark shading techniques and color. All materials provided, and no experience is necessary. This class is open to adults and teens.
Saturday, February 20 & Sunday, February 21:

Don’t forget our volunteer opportunity for the Oregon Asian Celebration!More information.

This Week at the JSMA: 2/8/16

Here is our weekly update of events and activities happening at the JSMA and with JSMAC!

Wednesday, February 10:

Schnitzer Cinema: Tender Fictions and Maya Deren’s Sink with Barbara Hammer via Skype

An acclaimed pioneer of queer cinema, Barbara Hammer has produced more than 75 works, including early lesbian avant-garde films that remain of fundamental importance for a new generation of artists. Most recently, she was honored with retrospectives at MoMA (New York, 2010) and the Tate Modern (London, 2012). Innovative, funny, and historic, Tender Fictions is an autobiographical exploration of the search for and meaning of gay community, featuring a rich montage of home movies, experimental films, news footage, and personal photographs. Maya Deren’s Sink explores Deren’s concepts of space, time, and form through visits and projections filmed in her L.A. and New York homes.

Thursday, February 11:

JSMAC Meeting

10am-11am in the JSMA Student Lounge

We will continue to work in our committee groups to facilitate planning for the upcoming student art exhibition. We will also discuss other upcoming events like our Skill Development Workshop and Influx.

Thursday, February 11:
Schnitzer Cinema: Welcome to This House with Barbara Hammer

Welcome to this House is Hammer’s poetic documentary feature on the homes and lives of poet Elizabeth Bishop, about life in the shadows, and the anxiety of art making without full self-disclosure. An acclaimed pioneer of queer cinema, Barbara Hammer has produced more than 75 works, including early lesbian avant-garde films that remain of fundamental importance for a new generation of artists. Most recently, she was honored with retrospectives at MoMA (New York, 2010) and the Tate Modern (London, 2012).