Hello Class!


僕の名前は クレイマ・マサヤス です。JPN315のGEです。今学期は僕の初めて言語学を教えることですが、去年日本語の一年を教えていました。


Comparative Literature |

オレゴン大学で比較文学を研究しています。比較文学は英語でComparative Literatureになりますが、英語でもその専攻を誰かに言うと「いったいなにそれ??」ってよく聞かれる傾向があります。単に、比較文学は色々な言語の文学を並び、比べてもっと理解しようとします。でも、最近「文学」っていうことがだんだん曖昧になってしまって、比較文学の学部の中では、映画や美術や漫画までも文学として扱います。そして、国際関係や翻訳のようなことも比較文学の範囲にあります (僕は特に翻訳に興味がある)。実は、比較文学っていうこととして色々なやり方とか、意見があります。比較文学の専門家の二人に会うと、「どんな言語で研究しますか?」って質問をよくお互いに聞きます。僕の場合は日本語と英語とスペイン語とフランス語の文学に興味があります。その言語の中で、日本語は僕の専門です。

Brain scans reveal a 'pokémon region' in adults who played as kids - The Verge


趣味はクリエイティブ・ライティングやDungeons and Dragonsや読書することが大好きです。ペットは飼っていないけど、ネコが一番好きです。卒業が出来れば、文学の教師になりたいです。




Hello class!

My name is Matthias Kramer. I am the GE for JPN 315. This semester is my first time teaching a linguistics class, but last year I taught first-year Japanese.

Before I moved to Oregon, I lived in North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina is my hometown. I moved to Oregon to enter graduate school at UO. Now I’m in my second year of grad school.

At UO, I study Comparative Literature. Even in English, when I tell people what it is that I study, they often have a tendency to ask me “What the heck is that??” Simply put, comparative literature lines up various texts from different languages, compares them, and tries to understand them better. Although lately the word “literature” has become increasingly vague, and in comparative literature departments people often treat film, art, and even comic books as literature. Furthermore, things like international relations and translation also fall into the purvey of comparative literature (I am especially interested in translation). In fact, what it is that we call “comparative literature” has many different styles and opinions. When two specialists of comparative literature meet, they often ask each other “What languages do you research?” For me, I am interested in Japanese, English, Spanish, and French literatures. Of these, Japanese is my specialization.

When I get asked “Why Japanese?” my reply is “I’ve always been interested in Japanese.” As a matter of fact, when I was in kindergarten, my parents asked me “Matthias, what language do you want to study?” to which the Pokémon-loving Matthias replied as if it were the only natural answer “Japanese!” And so I’ve been studying Japanese since I was a young child. However, before I studied abroad, my Japanese, and especially my speaking, was very bad. When I studied abroad in Japan, I had no choice but to speak Japanese with many Japanese people. After all, practice is essential to language learning.

My hobbies include creative writing, Dungeons and Dragons, and reading for pleasure. I don’t have any pets, but cats are number one! When I graduate, I hope to become a teacher of literature one day.

Well then, that’s me! I’m looking forward to working with you this term.