Hello class

Hello,My name is Jiayi Liu(ジャイ リュウ).
This is my five year in UO, and I am try to transfer my major to asian study.
I want to take this course because I want to know more about Japanese language and want to take one Japanese course in term.
I know Japanese and study Japnese before ten years despite I didn’t contiune to study. During ten years I still like Japanese modern culture and like to listen to Japanese music like vocaloid songs.
After I start to play a Japanese website game with literature theme, I begin to read Japnese literature. My favorite Japanese writer is Shimazaki Tonson. Now I still try to read his books as possible as using Japanese version.

Also I like to play game espeacily rpg and adv. Now I am working on my own game. I am responsible for script and game main project.
In the future, I want to publish Japanese version. It is my dream before several years.