
Hello everyone, my name is Laurence. I’m a sophomore majoring in Japanese and pre-Global Studies.

There are a couple reasons that I decided to take this class. First, it satisfies a core major requirement for Japanese, along with the three literature courses. I’ve only taken one of my two Japanese literature/linguistics courses, so I thought I’d do another one. Second, I’ve heard about how fun and interesting this course is from multiple people, and seeing as it is only offered once in a while, I figured now is the perfect time to take it. Lastly, I took Linguistics 101 my freshman year and found that I really enjoyed taking apart and analyzing the components of language and looking at how they work and are used together. To have a class that takes linguistics, which I now know that I really like, and Japanese, which I love, is just about the best thing I can think of….and that’s why I’m here!

I have a lot of little hobbies, some of which include biking, tennis, old indie video games, graphic design, and host of various arts and crafts. To be real, though, I don’t have much time for my hobbies these days, so the things that I find myself doing during breaks in my schedule instead include cooking (especially curries!), tidying up, keeping in touch with friends and family, and watching silly reality TV with my roommates.

I’m greatly looking forward to this class and to learning together this term.  🙂



Since I don’t usually take pictures of the food I make, here’s a picture of some curry. Credit: <https://www.delicious.com.au/recipes/prawn-potato-curry/a5841d38-c3c7-4773-acec-659c73bb37e6>

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