Project 2 – Group 5



           Our team for this project consisted of Elaine Sun, Nobuki Yaso, Myquel Zimmerman, Shiyuan Wang, and Steven Shinmachi. In our project, we analyzed the differences between the use of gendered speech between two characters from the same anime. In order to make things simple, our group decided to choose an anime that we have all watched before so that everyone would have some knowledge of the characters we wanted to cover. While brainstorming together, we ultimately decided upon One Piece as the anime we wanted to analyze. After looking up all the characters that appeared in the anime, we settled on two of the main characters, “Nami” and “Nico Robin”. We settled on these characters because they were both very unique and very distinct from each other. After deciding on the characters, using both the anime and the manga, we researched scenes we thought would be perfect for our analysis.

One Piece is an anime that follows the adventure of Money D. Luffy, a boy who has gained the power of rubber by eating the Devil’s Fruit, a fruit that gives one special abilities and powers. Leaving his hometown, he forms his own pirate crew called the Straw Hat Pirates and travels around the world in search of the ultimate treasure called the One Piece. 



Nami, also known as “Cat Burglar” Nami, is the navigator and the third member of the Straw Hat Pirates. As a young child, Nami and her sister were orphaned due to a war and were taken in by a female Marine, Bell-mere. Bell-mere took them back to her home village where she adopted and raised them. It was there that Nami discovered her passion for map making and would spend her free times drawing maps of the island and city. 

Unfortunately, a pirate crew attacked Bell-mere’s hometown and killed her, kidnapping Nami in the process and being forced to become the cartographer. In the process Arlong, the head of the pirate crew that attacked Bell-mere’s town, struck a deal with Nami, where he could eventually free the town if she would be able to pay the price. It was with this pirate crew that Nami was stuck with for many years, trying to pay off her debt, until Luffy encountered her in one of his journeys. Learning about her struggle, Luffy fights Arlong’s pirate crew and wins, freeing the town and gaining Nami as crewmate. Together, they explored the world together in search of the One Piece. 


Analysis – Nami

  As one of the most famous female characters in One Piece, Nami has distinctive characteristics. Her speaking style is one thing that makes her impressive to the audience. In anime and comic books, her speaking style is mixed with both feminine and masculine styles. She usually speaks casually and energetically. When she’s joking with her friends or talking to enemies, she uses masculine style mainly. From her speaking, we can tell that she’s aggressive, brave, and cheerful.

   There are a lot of examples of Nami’s masculine speaking style. The two most frequent masculine words she uses are “おまえ” and “あんた” when she’s calling others, which mean “You” and “You guys”. Compare to “あなた” and “あなたたち” for females to use, these are the two words considered as male language. Also, there are other examples like “この” and ”あいつ”. These words are very casual and sometimes could be considered as rude. Calling friends by “おまえ” and “あんた” shows that she has a strong and good relationship with her friends. When she’s using such words to enemies, it shows that she’s brave and strong. Nowadays, there are many girls in Japan who also use such words to call others. Many people think it’s a way for girls to show their strong relationships with their friends. Using masculine words can make their characteristics brighter and make them seem easy going. Some young girls believe that using feminine language all the time would be too polite and that builds distance and boundaries between them and their close friends.

   Also, let’s look at other uses of language in Nami’s speaking. Nami uses commanding language a lot. For example, she uses “やめろ”, ”起きろ”, and ”いこう” to command people to do or not to do something. Straight commanding language is used by males as a language standard. Females always try to avoid speaking in that style. In feminine language standard, females should say those three words as “やめてください”, ”起きてください”, and ”行きましょう” instead. Using masculine style to command people shows Nami’s aggressive and “bossy” characteristic. Also, through her speaking style, we can know that she wants to be strong and independent. In reality, girls who use masculine commanding languages might be considered as sharp and rude. But it has become better today. In today’s society, depending on the situation, girls who speak with this style would be considered as strong, powerful, and dominant in a positive way.

   Finally, let’s look at sentence enders. Surprisingly, Nami uses feminine enders in her speaking. The enders she always use are “のよ”, ”よね”, and ”わよ”, which are typical enders of feminine enders. From this we can see that though Nami has a very strong male-like characteristic, she still holds a girl part in her soul, and she knows how to be gentle and soft. This makes her character vivid. 


 Nico Robin

Nico Robin was born into a family of archaeologists but was abandoned by her parents as they explored the world in search of its true history. Robin was left in the car of her aunt and uncle, where she was both verbally and physically abused. And with her powers from the Devil’s fruit, she was often neglected and shunned, thus spent much of her time reading books and talking to the scholars at the Tree of Knowledge, which was a hub to archaeologists around the world . 

At the age of 8, she aced the archaeology exam and became a scholar, but was shunned as well when the other scholars discovered her desire to follow in her mother’s footsteps and discover the true history of the world. Robin, upset at the scholar’s harsh reactions, ran away, only to discover that the Tree of Knowledge was going to be attacked and burned by the Marines due to the secrets it held. She returned, trying to warn the scholars but it was too late. The Tree of Knowledge, along with all the scholars in it, were burned to ash. Devastated, she escaped on a raft built by one of the scholars, and was on the run for over 20 years as the Marines blamed Nami for the death of the scholars and the burning of the Tree of Knowledge. 


Over the next 20 years, Robin would meet a variety of people, but because of the bounty placed on her head by the World Government, who was in charge of the Marines, each person she met would try to turn her in. She joined a variety of organizations, such a pirate crew or underground criminal organizations, and used them to help her discover the true history of the world. It was during her adventures that she encountered the Straw Hat Pirates and decided that she wanted to join their crew. She convinced them to allow her to be a crewmate, although it did take a while for her to gain their trust.   


Analysis – Nico Robin 

          In regard to gender-related language use, Nico Robin can most often be characterized as staying within Japanese perceptions of ideal femininity. In the context of the anime, Robin (as she’s most commonly referred) speaks in a calm, casual tone that is accentuated by her identifiably lady-like voice. This, coupled with her choice in descriptive words and sentence enders creates an image of an intelligent and collected woman with a strong sense that she’s in control of the situations she places herself in. 


          Within Japanese entertainment culture, as we also see in American culture, character construction has a certain dependence on the content contained within what the characters say. It is important to note that Robin is most often a quiet character. However, when she does speak, it is usually substantive, a verbal play on the current situation (sarcasm), and contains words that may not otherwise be said by the rest of the cast. “Words” in this sense is reflected well in the manga, as we see a larger presence of kanji-based words as opposed to the other characters. When contrasting the anime with the manga and how the character is visually presented as a personality, we acknowledge the authors attempt to portray her as intelligent. From the perspective of the manga, the perception of a larger vocabulary gives credence to her confidently intelligent personality. In this front, we find words such as: ご苦労様 (ごくろうさま), 物騒 (ぶっそう), and 直径 (ちょっけい). Her word usage sets her aside distinctly from her counterparts.

          We also find character identification factors in Robin’s use of sentence-enders. Within the Japanese language and society, these sentence-enders are often cited as gender identification markers or have the ability to give an idea of the personality of the speaker. In Robin’s case, she most often sticks with the classical presentation of female gender identifiers in sentence-enders. We see her utilizing neutral identifiers, such as ”みたいね”, but rarely any usage of typically male patterns. To further present her femininity, the authors give her lines such as “言ったわよね”. In this example, ”-わよね” acts as a clear marker for Robin’s speech and how she is presented to the world.  Other examples of this type of language use follow: “借りてるわ”, “とってね”, and “あるかしら”. This being her typical language use, we find that Robin’s character is intended to be portrayed as a woman within the cultural bounds of the accepted and predominant Japanese society.



Nami’s usage of masculine words Robin’s usage of feminine words















     Throughout One Piece, Nami has used a masculine tone when communicating and interacting with other characters, especially towards men. When talking to her crewmates who are mostly men, she usually is very assertive and somewhat aggressive towards them. Picking scenes throughout the manga, we see Nami refer to other characters, mainly male, as “あんた”. She also ends her sentences in a very masculine tone, as for example she uses ”乗ってりゃいい”and ”知ってんの”; in a feminine tone, it would be “乗ってていい” and ”知ってるの”. These masculine traits throughout her speech however come from her background, as she grew up being forced to be on a pirate crew and went through numerous traumatic events as a young girl. Along with this, her crew also consists of 7 guys and 2 girls, which also can be a reason why she uses masciline tones towards them. Nami also is very good with manipulation and getting certains things out or from people, as she has had to do this numerous times to try and make money when she was younger. Because of this, Nami does not always use a masculine tone, as she may use a feminie tone to act cute in order to get certain things from someone. 


      Robin is the opposite of Nami, as she is very respectful in her speech when interacting with her crewmatres and other characters throughout the story. When talking to her crewmates, she usually refers them with あなた, and ends her sentences using かしら showing the respectful and feminine tone in her speech. Robin also tends to end her sentences with “ね” or “わよ”, which are two feminine traits in a speech. The reason why Robin is so respectful and feminine in her speech also comes from her background in archeology and the people she grew up with, as they were all considered to be very educated and were in somewhat of a “higher class”. Compared to Nami when she is mad, Robin almost never uses any masculine tone, and is always calm but somewhat passive aggressive.


*The following are further examples of language use within the manga for reference: 


      As detailed in the language use of Nico Robin and Nami, we find similarities in the use of designated feminine gender features. However, notable differences arise between the two when conducting an in-depth analysis on language features or observing presented personality traits. As noted, Nami is characterized as using commanding, masculine language in many of her encounters (e.g. あいつ、おまえ、やめろ). In contrast, Robin gives off the essence of command while maintaining general feminine language features (e.g. わ、かしら). Nami exemplifies similar characteristics but has frequent moments enough for her characterization to come off as masculine, abrupt, and outside of the societal standard of femininity. She does utilize feminine sentence-enders at times, but within multiple scenes throughout the series is scripted for use with masculine abruptness and brash language. This gives her a certain personality appeal that we don’t see with Robin. Robin largely differs in the combination of her language use, demeanor and consistent operation within the bounds of feminine sentence-enders. Her appeal is toward an intelligent and composed personality type, something the authors clearly tried to portray in the use of her language. Plainly, though Nami and Robin have common ground in language use, we find drastic differences in vocabulary, inflection, and sentence-ending particles. These characteristics solidify their clear personality differences by reinforcing their demeanors with choice language that is often stereotyped with said demeanors. In this regard, we find that the authors effectively utilize demeanor in combination with gender specific language to give the audience nuance, context and the aforementioned features as tools of classifying these women in their intended but disparate gender roles, or lack thereof. 


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