
Hi everyone.
We are going to use this course blog to post Group Projects. But before posting projects, how about if we write a short introduction here as a test entry?  I want to use this to check you all have access to this page, and also so that we can get to know each other better.   英語でも日本語でもどっちでも大丈夫です。

As you know by now (I hope!), my name is Kaori Idemaru.  As I explained on the first day, the characters are 出丸香, and most Japanese people read it as でまる.  So, so many times in my life, I have said 「えーとー、でまるではなくて、いでまるです。。。」And without exception, I get a response like 「えー、めずらしいお名前ですねぇぇぇ。」to which, I usually say, 「えぇ、まぁ。。。」

This summer I traveled to Hanoi with Nakadate sensei for a symposium on Japanese Language Teaching.  In addition to delivering our research presentations that we think engaged all audience, we accomplished many cultural accomplishments.  For example, we crossed car-and-motorcycle-filled streets on our own on multiple occasions, and sampled a long list of culinary items, some of which at a roadside.  It is too bad that we were rather concerned of our lives and couldn’t take selfies while crossing streets.

Didn’t know one of the guys behind me was making a peace sign!





(I couldn’t figure out how to put the pictures side by side. If any of you figure it out, let me know!).


I look forward to reading everyone’s post!