Artifact 4: Adornment

This Artifact is a demonstration of the following objectives:

  • Evaluate personal values and paradigms around body decoration and physical beauty
  • Investigate how physical appearance affects definitions of identity and belonging

This is a picture I took for a fashion blog post. It demonstrates the importance of appearance in our society.

This is a discussion assignment where I watched people at coffee shop, specifically for the purpose of saying something about them from their physical appearance. I analyzed the clothing, hair style and personal belongings of three individuals over the course of an hour. I then reflected my gathered information in this post.

This assignment evaluated my personal thoughts on body decoration and physical beauty indirectly by jotting down my thoughts on each person’s physical appearance. How I understand people from their physical appearance is a direct reflection of my upbringing, both within my family and from outside influences such as television and friends.

Another objective this assignment demonstrated was showing how physical appearance affects the definition of identity and belonging. We all make judgements of people based on appearance. In turn, these judgements define who we are to ourselves and each other. In this assignment, I demonstrated how my perception of physical appearance places individuals in certain categories according to their dress. It shows how I identify them based on their looks.

In our class reading, Customizing the Body, Sanders states, “Attractiveness has considerable impact on our social relationships.” I explored my own idea of attractiveness in this assignment and how it effects my own social relationships. The judgements I made in the people watching assignment show this through how I feel about people’s appearances. If it came down to picking one of them to talk to, you could probably figure out by my descriptions which person I would choose.

You can view my discussion here.

In the future, I hope to work towards not placing people in categories because of their attire, but rather open myself up to a new understanding of their personal style and how they use it as an expression of their character and personality. Like everyone’s, my personal style is altered over time, and I would like to think openly about the style of others, like I hope they would about mine.



Sanders, C. R. (1989). Introduction: Body Alteration, Artistic Production, and the Social World of Tattooing. In Customizing the Body (Chap. 1). Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

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