Rebecca Colbert originates from Occidental, California, an hour outside of San Francisco. Her passion for bicycling and love of nature began in her home town which is very bicycle and nature friendly. Eugene fits Rebecca perfectly because she is able to continue her passions away from home.
By: Julia Lobaina
Rebecca Colbert, sophomore at the University of Oregon, lives a life full of adventure, exercise, and staying healthy. She is very active on campus and is one of the many students who use their bikes to get around campus. She is frequently seen at the Recreation center on campus using the many machines provided for students or swimming laps in the recreational pool. Growing up, Rebecca was constantly active, “from horseback riding, to dance, to volleyball, to badminton, I’ve always wanted to try new things and learn more about myself,” said Rebecca. These activities kept her busy, but she would lose interest after a while. On the other hand, she remained passionate about bicycling, as it provides Rebecca with an overwhelming feeling of joy, relaxation, and contentment.
Rebecca always had a specific route she would take; however, one day, Rebecca decided to take a different route. She was an experienced and knowledgeable rider; an accident was the last thing that would cross her mind. As Rebecca took a different route, she was pushed off the trail by another biker who was not paying attention and caused her to collide into a tree. The other biker had left the scene and alone Rebecca awoke from the collision with severe back pain.
Rebecca was told that her back would never fully recover. She felt defeated; her lifestyle was dramatically changing with no alternatives in sight. The dismal realization that her life may not be as active or adventurous made her feel lost. Audrey Desky, Rebecca’s mother, saw the pain her daughter felt. “I convinced her to try new hobbies like swimming, which was beneficial for the muscles and put less strain on the body.” As time went on, Rebecca felt stronger and began to believe this incident was no longer going to prevent her from living the life she wanted. Physical therapy taught Rebecca how to continue living an active life while still taking care of her back. These sessions gave Rebecca hope and helped her realize that the active and adventurous life did not have to stop. Once physical therapy finished, Rebecca started feeling like her old self again. “My back issue has allowed me to become more patient and grateful for my body when it is healthy and not take it for granted.”
As a result of Rebecca’s incident, her mindset on living an active, healthy, and adventurous life style has changed to accommodate her back problem. She is still able to ride, but her focus is now geared toward teaching and guiding others on their bicycling adventures. Rebecca’s summer plans involve teaching young children the basics and techniques of bicycling. She will be volunteering at a day care and sharing her knowledge, skills, and passion for bicycling.