Jill A. Marshall

Rock to regolith: biotic, climatic and lithologic controls on landscape evolution

publications and presentations

Google Scholar Report


Marshall, J. A., J.J. Roering, D.G. Gavin, D.E. Granger, (in review), Late Quaternary climatic controls on erosion and geomorphic processes in the Pacific Northwest, GSA Bulletin


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Rempel, A.W.,  J.A. Marshall,  J.J. Roering,. (2016), Modeling relative frost weathering rates at geomorphic scales.: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 453, p. 87-95, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.08.019.  PDF

Sklar, L. S., Riebe, C. S., Marshall, J. A., Genetti, J., Leclere, S., Lukens, C. L., & Merces, V. (2016). The problem of predicting the size distribution of sediment supplied by hillslopes to rivers. Geomorphology,  PDF

Marshall, J. A., J.J. Roering, P.J. Bartlein, D.G. Gavin, D.E. Granger, A.W. Rempel, S. Praskievicz, T.C. Hales, (2015), Seeing frost for the trees: Did climate increase erosion in unglaciated landscapes during the Late Pleistocene?Science Advances, v. 1, n. 10, e1500715, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1500715. PDF

Harpold, A.A., J.A. Marshall, S.W.  Lyon, T.B.  Barnhart, B.A.  Fisher, M. Donovan, K. M. Brubaker, . . . N. West. ( 2015) Laser vision: lidar as a transformative tool to advance critical zone science: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, v. 19, p. 2881–2897, doi: 10.5194/hess-19-2881-2015PDF

Marshall, J.A. and J.J. Roering, (2014), Diagenetic variations in the Oregon Coast Range: Implications for rock strength, soil production, hillslope form, and landscape evolutionJournal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 119, 1395–1417, doi:10.1002/2013JF003004.

Roering, J. J., B. H. Mackey, J. A. Marshall, K. Sweeney, N. I. Deligne, A. M. Booth, A. L. Handwerger, and C. Cerovski-Darriau (2013), ‘You are HERE’: Connecting the dots with airborne lidar for geomorphic fieldwork, Geomorphology. PDF

Marshall, J. A., and L. S. Sklar (2012), Mining soil databases for landscape‐scale patterns in the abundance and size distribution of hillslope rock fragments, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 37(3), 287-300.  PDF

Roering, J. J., J. Marshall, A. M. Booth, M. Mort, and Q. Jin (2010), Evidence for biotic controls on topography and soil production, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 298(1), 183-190.  PDF

Marshall J. 2003. Moving from the past into the future: a functional approach for protecting California streams. in P.M. Faber (ed.) California riparian systems: Processes and floodplain management, ecology, and restoration (pp. 158-162). Riparian Habitat and Floodplains Conference Proceedings, Riparian Habitat Joint Venture, Sacramento

Book Chapters

Marshall, J. A., P. DeVries, and N. Milner (2008), Spawning habitat remediation as part of national and regional scale programs to recover declining salmonid populations.(pp 275 – 300), in Salmon spawning habitat in rivers: physical controls, biological responses and approaches to remediation, edited by P. DeVries and D. Sears, American Fisheries Society, Symposium 65. Bethesda, MD.

White Papers

Harpold, A.A., D. Karwan, J. Perdrial, J.A. Marshall, J. Driscoll, A. Neal, and C. Phillips (2013): Graduate Research Group White Paper: Cross-CZO Research Potential. Internal CZO publication. http://tinyurl.com/CZO-grad-research-group


Marshall, J. A., J.J. Roering, P. J. Bartlein, S. Praskievicz, D. C. Gavin, T. C. Hales, D.E. Granger, 2014, Does Temperature (Rather Than Precipitation) Dictate the Geomorphic Legacy of Glacial Intervals in Unglaciated Mid-Latitude Terrains?, Eos, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Abstract EP14B-08.

Marshall, J. A., J.J. Roering, D.E. Granger,  D. C. Gavin, 2013. A 50-ky record of climate, ecosystem, and erosion rate change in the Oregon Coast Range,Eos AGU Fall Mtg, San Francisco,  Abstract  EP41C-807.

Marshall, J. A., J.J. Roering, S. Praskievicz; T. C. Hales, D. C. Gavin, P. J. Bartlein, 2012.  Temperature controls on sediment production In The Oregon Coast Range – Abiotic frost-cracking processes vs. biotic-dominated processes over the last 40 Ka, Eos AGU Fall Mtg, San Francisco,  Abstract  EP44C-02.

Cerovski-Darriau, C., J.A. Marshall, J.J. Roering, Shake, rattle and roll – tectonic and lithologic controls on sediment production in the Oregon Coast Range, GeoPRISMS Earthscope Planning Workshop for the Cascadia Primary Site, April 2012.

Marshall, J. A., J.J. Roering, R.J. Dorsey, 2011, Geomorphic implications of resistant bedrock in the ‘uniform’ sandstone beds of the Tyee Formation, Oregon Coast Range, Eos AGU Fall Mtg, San Francisco, Abstract EP34C-0699.

Marshall, J. A, and J.J. Roering, 2010 Erosion rates, stochasticity, and abiotic vs. biotic bedrock to soil production mechanisms in the Oregon Coast Range, Eos AGU Fall Mtg, San Francisco, Abstract EP21B-0749.

Marshall, J. A., M. Attal, L.S. Sklar, C.S. Riebe, M.D, Hurst, S.M. Mudd, K. Yoo, 2009, The effect of erosion rate on hillslope rock fragment production: implications for supply of bedload material to channels Eos AGU Fall Mtg, San Francisco, Abstract EP51B-0594.

Riebe, C.S., J.A. Marshall, L.S. Sklar, D.E. Granger, 2008 Characterizing sediment supply to rivers: effects of lithology, climate, weathering and erosion on rock-fragment abundance in granitic, hillslope soils Eos AGU Fall Mtg, San Francisco, Abstract H43F-1071.

Marshall, J.A. and L.S. Sklar, 2007, Mining soil survey databases to explore lithologic, climatic and topographic controls on hillslope production of bedload-sized rock fragments, Eos AGU Fall Mtg, San Francisco, Abstract H41D-0758.

Sklar, L.S., N.J. Finnegan and J.A. Marshall, 2007, Climatic, tectonic and lithologic controls on the size distribution of sediments supplied to channels: implications for transient evolution of bedrock river profiles, Eos AGU Fall Mtg, San Francisco, Abstract H41D-0757.

Marshall J.A., 2004, Adaptive Management, Interdisciplinary Science and Restoring Large-Scale Riverine Habitats: A California Perspective, River Management Society 2004 Symposium, Tahoe City, CA

Marshall J.A., 2003, If you build it, will they come? Lessons learned and a look into the future of restoration design, American Fisheries Society, Spawning Habitat Symposium, Quebec City, Canada



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