Professionalism Grade

I would propose to get 48 out of 50 points for my professionalism grade. I have several reasons to propose this points.

First, I was always on time to every team meeting with fully prepared (I did not miss any team meeting). Every time I completed any task that was assigned to me so that I received feedback from my teammates saying “always prepared and always came with whatever information we needed.” Besides being on time to the meetings, I also completed every works on time such as weekly blog posts, turning in resume and cover letter.

Also, I read articles or reading assignments every time before the class. However, I deducted some points because I did not fully participated in the lecture since I did not raise my hands to answer questions that the professor asked during the class.

In addition, I took great advantage of resources that I learned through this class. For instance, on November, I had a chance to do interview with accounting BIG 4 firms at “Boston Career Forum” which is held for Japanese-English bilingual students. Before I went there to have an interview, I worked hard on writing my resume and got my resume revised by Jake. Thanks to this class that let me learn how to write an efficient resume, I got job offers from BIG 4 companies.

Overall, I did everything on time and fully prepared for the class or the team meetings. So that’s why I propose to receive 48 points on my professionalism grade.

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Final Blog Post – Personal Leadership Development

At the beginning of the term, I set up two goals in the LDP page to develop my leadership skills through this class. The first goal is focus on one of Kouzes and Posner’s Five Practices of Leadership: “Challenge the Process”. It means that I need to take a further step to challenge myself and others to challenge the new thing instead of just maintain the status quo. The other goal is one area of Emotional Intelligence: “Relationship Management”.  It means that I have to be a communicative person while managing relationships of the team.

For accomplishing my goal regards “Challenge the Process”, I tried my best to do certain actions that I proposed at the beginning of the term. First, I started from the easy-taking action, which is to do something in a different way in my life. For example, when I went to the restaurant or cafe, I ordered different menu even though usually I tend to order the same menu. The purpose of this action is to make myself have a habit to challenge the new thing so that this habit can be brought to the class exercise as well. Bringing this new habit to the team discussion, I kept in my mind to ask critical questions to other team members, and encouraged team to learn from mistakes. For instance, our group was mistakenly focusing on people’s “awareness” rather than their “behavior” until first half of the class. After the practice presentation, we noticed that we were doing in the wrong way, and it was the time to change to the right direction. At that time, I kept asking them “is that the way to change students’ behaviors?” or “isn’t it more related to their awareness?” to make sure our team is on the right track during the discussion. From this experience, we learned from mistakes and learned how to change our direction to the right way.

To accomplish my goal regards”Relationship Management”, I tried to being more vocal at first. First I went to the “Coffee Hour” most every weeks to practice my communication skill. I made new friends there and communicated with them to practice sharing my ideas. However, when it comes to the team discussion, it was a little bit harder than I expected. Since there are 6 people including me in the team, sometimes I missed chance to speak out during the discussion since each of them spoke continuously one after another. On the first peer evaluation report, I got a feedback from everyone in the team that they suggest me to speak out more to share my ideas. So, since the midterm feedback, I tried to speak up more and gave them my unique ideas. I changed my behavior to raise my hand when I want to say something after the midterm feedback so that I have more chance to share my ideas during the discussion. Changing this behavior, I felt more comfortable to speak out in my team compared to before. And I became a person who can be critical to disagree with some opinion when I have different thoughts, instead of just agreeing with them.

The process that I worked for accomplishing my goals bring a good habit to me. I want to keep continuing this behavior in the future. In addition, I still need to work on practicing being a leader. Since one of my teammates gave me a feedback said “take more steps to become a leader” on the final peer evaluation report, I want to act as a leader to direct others in a team. In order to accomplish this goal, I need to take initiative to do something in my life. For example, when I talk with someone in the Coffee Hour (I will keep going this event to practice my communication skill), I will lead the conversation, such as providing a conversation topic from me.

I learned a lot from this class, not only taking process to develop my leadership plan. I learned that while I needed to work on my plan for accomplishing my goals, I also need to take care of others, and most of times there were many good behaviors that I can learn from them. Everyone has different outstanding characters. Some people have a skill to lead the team, some are good at taking care of others, some are good at sharing ideas, and some are good at organizing. I believe that these abilities are all needed to be a leader. It was a great experience to be a team with these people and learn from them, and I hope this experience will help me when I will deal with the real issues in the group in the future.


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Week8 Reflection

This week, our group spent most of our time in finishing writing our final proposal which was due on Thursday. When we started writing our proposal, we divided sections and assigned them to each of us. For example, we have sections of “problem description”, “objectives”, “solutions”, and “cost analysis”. Since I mainly summed up the current situation of the Career Center from our interviews and researches, I talked to my team members that I want to write that part. After each of us wrote own part, we met together and revised it to be completed. During our meeting to revise the proposal, I couldn’t join them perfectly to rewrite sentences because my grammar is not perfect as them. However, when I came up with some ideas that will be helpful to the proposal, I didn’t hesitate to say it to my teammates.

During the class 8A, we learned how to do presentation with effective slides. Since our group did not do well on making slides for our practice presentation, we learned a lot from this class to make a progress on making slides. For example, we put some pie charts to show the statistics to audiences. However, we learned that it is not helpful to only put some graphs or data on slides. Although it is visualized, audiences cannot understand when they were only provided these graphs; they don’t understand what these statistics or numbers actually mean.

During the class 8B, we wrote an executive summary of our proposal in class. Writing the executive summary helps me to understand our proposal deeper, and to prepare well for the presentation. It not only helped me understand our proposal deeper, but also helped me learn how to sum up efficiently in writing.

For my LDP, I went to the “Coffee Hour” to improve my communication skills. I talked to my American friends there about current situation. In the past, I only answered questions that I was asked by my friends when we were talking. But now, I am able to talk anything that I want to talk. I believe attending this event and having conversation helps me to have a comfortable communication with others. For instance, recently I am able to have a conversation with my group members not only talking about our course related thing but like our daily life. During the discussion, when I have an idea that I want to share, now I am able to put my hands up and say it voluntarily instead of waiting someone asking me. I hope this change will be my positive habit so that I will be more communicative person.

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Week7 Reflection

During the class 7A, we had a Cover Letter workshop. It was very helpful for us to know how to write an efficient cover letter. Also, same as the Resume Workshop, we had chance to use an example to write an actual cover letter. But our group was allotted to write the closing section, so it was easy compare to other groups who were writing the person’s selling points.

During the class 7B, we tested our prototype. We invited 2 students from other group and saw their reactions about “rewards” system and got some feedback. Since these 2 students were from the group which is also doing the similar theme (about students’ career readiness), it was meaningful to get opinion from them.

First of all, they gave us opinion about our “stamp card”. We were considering making a stamp book for each student so that they can get stamp when they attend a workshop, cumulative stamps can change with some rewards regarding each points status. However, one from these two students questioned that “should it be a stamp book like this?” She pointed out that most students might lose it. We all agreed with that opinion, and now we changed it to use Student ID card so that we can prevent students from losing it and we can record data only by swiping the card.

When we were discussing about rewards system, since I was ill on that day so that I couldn’t speak out much during the discussion. However, one of my teammate noticed that I didn’t talk, and asked me “what do you think about that?” I was really grateful to him to let me have chance to share my idea, but at the same time, I thought I still have to try to speak out more and more.

Getting their feedback was very helpful for our group, we can make sure if we are doing right, and if it is an efficient way to change students’ behaviors. This Thursday night, reflecting from this feedback, we met in our group and decided how and when to work on our final proposal.


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Week6 Reflection

For my personal thing, I went to Boston to attend Boston Career Forum (BCF) to do job hunting this weekends. (So I could not attend Coffee Hour for practicing conversation…) BCF is a biggest career fair for Japanese-English bilingual students. During the career fair, I did interviews with 4 accounting firms, and some of firms require to do 3 interviews with different people in different positions. Thanks to this class, I improved my communication skill compared to before, and I am used to talk with many people now. At the end, I got job offers from Big4 companies. Through this job hunting, I made much improvement on talking with other people, and now I know how to express myself well.

Since some of our teammates and I were out of town this weekends, we were not able to meet each other to work on our proposal. Instead, we individually worked on peer evaluation. Before the class 6A, each person wrote feedback for different person, and also did team feedback for all teammate on line. During the class 6A, we shared feedback to each teammate, and rewrote our group agreement based on our reflection on team behavior. From this week, I would like to behave based on the feedback I got from my team: speak out more during the discussions.

During the class 6B, we worked on making prototype. We decided to focus on the effect of giving rewards to students. So, we made a stamp book and prepared to ask their desired rewards and what they will think when they have these rewards and a stamp book.

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Week5 Self Evaluation

This week, we had a practice presentation during the class 5A.

Since we finished making power point during the weekends, I practice my part individually for about two hours. I am a person who is easily get nervous when I stand in front of many people. And also English is not my first language. So, I practiced very hard to be carefully prepared to do presentation. I understand that it is not good to only memorize every sentence that I am going to say, but it was hard for me to extemporize in English. So, for the most of parts I memorized my script. (I want to try not to memorize for the next presentation though) After the presentation, we got feedback from the professor. And we found that what we were focusing on is not on the right track. We noticed that we were mainly researching for students’ awareness, not their behaviors. Thanks to the opportunity for the practice presentation, we could change tracks to the right way.

For my Leadership Development Plan, I went to Coffee Hour today as I put on my to-do list. I went there and had a conversation with people who I don’t know him/her at all. We talked about recent academic stuffs, and the events for Halloween. Since that was the first time we met, sometimes there was a silence between our conversation. Then, I broke the silence trying to be more communicative person.

For developing “challenge the process”, I practiced very well this week. When we got the point that we were focusing too much on students’ awareness after our practice presentation, we discussed how to change our direction to students’ behavior. During that discussion, I tried my best to ask everyone to keep their mind on focusing on behavior. We learned from the mistake, and now we are on good way to change our track.

For my contribution to my team so far, I did a good job on what we have to do. I attended every meeting that we had, with every task done promptly. During the discussion, I still have less chance to enter into conversation compare to other teammates, but I did comment on certain conversation topics that I think they are important in order to accomplish my Leadership Development Plan.

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Week4 Reflection

During week 4, our group finished up summarizing our topic, defined three goals of our project, and executed individual interviews for students and career center. Although we still didn’t get final reply from career center, we got survey data from about 20 students interviewees.

In classes, we learned how to write business writing,  how to design principles, and how to do a good presentation. They are very useful to me because it helps me to get idea of revising my writing assignment, and teaches me how to do presentation so that it can be effectively tell audiences the point.

For my leadership development plan, I did certain actions:

In the class 4B, we had to decide three people who will do the practice presentation next class. Usually, I am not a person to take initiative to say “I can do that,” but since I want to practice doing presentation, I volunteered to do practice presentation.

Also, this week, I positively contact with other teammates to improve my relationship management. When I had a thought and question about our project, I sent text messages to other teammates without being shy.

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Week3 Reflection

From this week, our group started to work on our project. We came up with several questions that we will ask based on what we have already known about this topic. During the class 3A, we learned how to interview others, and we had an opportunity to do an interview with classmates who are in other groups. Then, I suggested my team to gather all responses together to our group’s shared file before the class 3B, so that we can have every information that we got from the last class. During the class 3B, based on answers that we got from the interview, we summed up our research topic, and decided the narrowed target and three main insights that we will focus on.

During this week, I did a certain action in order to get closer to my leadership development goal.

The main thing I did is to take the initiative to make an assignment for our research. After we did the individual interview during the class, I made a Google Doc for every member can share the responses that each of us got. In this way, I believe I made a chance for everyone to keep our team on track.

Also, when we were discussing what grade of students we have to focus, I tried to ask a critical question to the team. Since it seemed that they only considered American students as the target, I suggested why don’t we include international students so that we can make comparison with different categories of students. My suggestion persuaded all team members, and finally we could make a final decision of our target.

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My impression of the class so far

Done with the first week of this class BA352, I felt that this class is more active class rather than learning class.

Not like other academic classes, we don’t learn new knowledge in this class. Instead, we do need to think actively and change ourselves behaviors to having leadership.

As we can see from the syllabus, I feel like we will do many group activities including presentations and writing assignments.


I will do my best to put my effort into this class, and want to exercise my leadership in my group.


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