Unit 3

Jiani Cheng

AAD 250

Professor: Scott Huette

Date: 07/23/2014

Analysis What is Art For

Art have different types. Art can from culture, history and so forth.In the article the author said that “it accounts for the fact that art is psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effects.” (What is Art for) I agree with this statement.Art can make us feel comfortable.Sometime I think art can help people relieve the pression. We can’t live without art. Art can help improve us sentiment. No matter who you are, you will learn new knowledge from art. Many people willing to study art history. They like to be art lover. They have passion. When I first time to come to U.S. I thought natural beauty. I came here in September fall term. I saw the leaf turn become yellow. It looks like photos. This is my first time to see really natural view. I really enjoy it.
Western view is totally different in my hometown. In my hometown is very cold in the winter and snow cover the street. But in Eugene there is no winter, it always raining. After raining, you also can see flower natural colors. It is bright. When I was young I watched the movie, it is talk about cowboy. It is very cool. I image my life happened in the western. Right now it is dream come true.

In addition, I also agree author opinion that everyone may become artist. In college, many people like take art classes. Because it is very interesting and also we can read many materials for art. We can know different cultures. In each country they have their own style dance. I like watch them. In our college, they hold ‘Japan Night’,’Hong Kong Night’ ‘Taiwan Night’ and ‘China night’ Many people willing spend money to go there. They provide traditional food and performance. I think so much fun. You can believe that what a great experience.

2 thoughts on “Unit 3

  1. I do not think that art can make us feel comfortable, sometimes art works can make people feel scare or uncomfortable. For example some people may think tattoo on the body in a format of art, but when I saw someone with tattoo, that will make me feel uncomfortable and make me do not want to make friend with that person. Also some people may think street graffiti is a format of art, I treat it as art, but maybe cleaning staff will hate it and it means nothing to them.
    I may agree that everyone can be the artist, because everyone can create by what they want. However, no one can ensure that their art work can be treat as art by others. Some people may believe their art work has deeper meaning, however, maybe for other person that’s means nothing. They don’t care about it.

  2. I would have to agree with alot of what you are saying about art and what it is. I believe too that to coincide with what you wrote that Art plays a large role in emotional effects people get throughout their day. Like what you said about Japan Night that the U of O holds, the Japan Night consists of alot of art in the Japanese Culture and makes you have the emotional effect of feeling comfortable and like you never left home.

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