By: Julia Hawkes

Body modification is the deliberate alteration of the human body for aesthetic or non-medical purposes. This term refers to a list of practices, which may include piercings, tattooing, cutting, binding, and inserting implants. The list of these practices however can be extended to include forms such as bodybuilding and anorexia, in which the body surface is not directly inscribed or altered using instruments. Today, body modification can be seen throughout the world in every culture. Body modification does not just vary between cultures, but it varies between individuals as well. Members involved with body modification view the modification process as a way to control their own body and a form of self-expression. Those who argue against body modification however, view it as an act of self-mutilation.

The types of body modification range from minimal to extreme. In today’s society, many practices including dentistry, cosmetic surgery, or athletic training regimes have become so common they rarely are thought of as body modifications.