A&AA web preview performance

Last night, an experimental/improv/noise group I’m in helped create the sonic environment for a preview party connected to the launch of a new website for the School of Architecture & Allied Arts. While I suppose sound clips would serve as appropriate documentary evidence, here are some photos a friend of mine snapped (Thanks, Steven!).

Chemically Restrained members J. Fenn & Don Benjamin

Full band: Vivian Fuego, J. Fenn, Don BenjaminAir-J, the internet v-jay

The top two are the group in action, while the last image is of Air-J, the ‘internet v-jay’ who mixed live web feeds as a visual component to the event, serving to contextualize the new A&AA site. Thanks to everyone who attended and said nice things about our music! Special thanks to the A&AA web team for inviting us to perform.