Sonny Smith & 100 Records in Eugene

Since January 7th, 2011, Sonny Smith’s “100 Records” show has been up in the former Musique Gourmet space on an alley off Olive Street in downtown Eugene. Staged in partnership with Freelance Curator, DIVA, and the School of Architecture and Allied Arts, the show will run until March 4th—scoot down and check it out if you’ve not had a chance already!

The show would not have happened with direct support from the Arts & Administration Program, the Department of Art, and the A&AA Dean’s Office. Special thanks go out to the AAD students who volunteered many hours toward the show: Alyssa Fisher, Daniel Linver, Arielle Sherman, and Tomas Valladeres. In addition to hanging the pieces and gallery-sitting during open hours, they helped staff the opening as well as the extra-special event on Feb. 3: a performance by Sonny himself (along with drummer, Graham). Here’s a clip from that performance featuring the song, “Mario”:


Thanks are also in order for Ninkasi Brewery and J. Scott Cellars for the donated libations, as well as Bradford’s Home Entertainment for facilitating use of the Musique Gourmet space as a gallery. Finally, kudos to Kristen Gallerneux Brooks and Bernie Brooks for sinking so much time and energy into this show! For those of you who didn’t make it to the Feb. 3 performance, here’s a shot of the amazing “cherry cola” and “chocolate stout” cupcakes Kristen baked: