Burroughs talk @ JSMA

Last night I gave an invited talk about William S. Burroughs and his ‘transmedia legacy’ at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon. Larry Fong, curator of American & Regional Arts, asked me to give the talk in order to situate Burroughs in relation to a current and an upcoming exhibits; the current show is “Media Alchemy of Nam June Paik,” and the upcoming show is “ONE STEP BIG SHOT: PORTRAITS BY ANDY WARHOL AND GUS VAN SANT” (opening on May 15).

Once I edit the presentation a bit for readability, I’ll post a PDF here. In the meanwhile, you can access the Prezi I used as a “tour” of Burroughs’ transmedia legacy as it is publicly available. Here is the URL:


but this link should work:

JSMA Burroughs Transmedia talk on Prezi

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Helen De Michiel's Kickstarter project

Helen De Michiel is a filmmaker and independent media advocate who co-directs the National Alliance for Media Art + Culture (NAMAC), the Lunch Love Community project is her latest undertaking. When she visited the UO Arts & Administration Program during winter term, she spoke a bit about this project and its relationship to ongoing conversations about models for sustainability in funding public arts and culture projects. Kickstarter is one of the emergent entities focused on generating project-level funding through a participatory model—sure, you give money, but you also become part of the process leading up to the completion of the project. Often the ‘ownership’ of individual donors manifests in a reward of some sort—a DVD, a poster, or, in the case of the LLC project, a package of seeds for sowing in your own garden.