PBS and Digital Nation

I ran across this via Henry Jenkins’ blog (a seemingly unending source of info & critical insight…):


The site is essentially a online documentary effort focused on youth involvement with online culture, and the ‘impact’ of the Internet/Web and communications technologies on our lives. The tagline of the site is “Life on the Virtual Frontier”—a bit sensationalist and predictable, but folks interviewed for the project are at the cutting edge of understanding and critiquing ways in which people (young and, um, old) are using emerging technologies and gaining adaptive skills.

Look here for Jenkins’ post.

One thought on “PBS and Digital Nation”

  1. (test post) Interesting site about online communities and relationships. I think its great how online interaction has become such an accepted part of the mainstream. William Gibson would be proud.

    I started messing around in an online community called a MOO (Multi User Dimension or MUD) Object Oriented (programming). I joined back in 1993.


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