Jessie's Digital Stories

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Jessie's Digital Stories

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Project 3: Angel

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Powerful I think this is one of my favorite blog posts I have read in a while. Although it is simple, photos with brief captions, the effect is powerful.

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Social Issue Ads I think this collaboration of advertisements is extremely interesting. They are not just advertisements in public places that can be eye sores, but they are advertisements that address social issues occurring around the world. The ads are effective because they encourage people to stop and think and not only for two minutes while they […]

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CNN Weekly Photos I really enjoy reading these CNN posts every week. They include pictures of the main events that have occurred around the world with a short explanation below. The posts incorporate striking visual elements and simplistic  writing- it is short but it gets to the point and explains the issue. “Women in Abuja, Nigeria, hold […]

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Considering I read my story to the class this week, I wanted to create this week’s blog post about the military. I found a blog online that shares photos of couples reunited, military men with their dogs and other photos resembling love in the armed forces. And in that blog, I found a post […]

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Lip Sinc Battle

I love to watch Jimmy Fallon and one of my favorite actresses is Emma Stone so when the two joined together for a lip sync battle, I knew it was going to be great. I’ve watched it multiple times and always laugh the whole way through. Their imitations are on point and they interact with […]

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Salliebeth Finnegan

(the video was too large to upload to the post so I made it a YouTube video and have attached the link below) STORY 2: SALLIEBETH FINNEGAN

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Week 4: Graduate Advice What 9 Highly Successful People Wish They Knew Before Starting Their First Jobs I thought this blog post was extremely inspirational and motivating. The author, Jenna Goudreau, understands the struggle that college graduates go through- making the transition from the education system’s comfort zone to the new and unfamiliar gray area of the work […]

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Simply, Taralynn “I believe people are born with happiness. Happiness is always is inside of us, but a series of unfortunate events cloud that happiness, making it harder to find. No one can take your happiness away, but it can be pushed away. When it is pushed too far, it’s a challenge to bring back to […]

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Blog Critique

The 19 Things That Perfectly Describe Every Girl’s Love/Hate Relationship With Going Out On The Weekend   Elite Daily: The Voice of Generation-Y by Ashley Fern Although this blog may not be 100% school appropriate, isn’t an intellectual news article and really doesn’t discuss actual/meaningful issues…I think it hilariously relates to a large percentage […]

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