The 19 Things That Perfectly Describe Every Girl’s Love/Hate Relationship With Going Out On The Weekend


Elite Daily: The Voice of Generation-Y
by Ashley Fern

Although this blog may not be 100% school appropriate, isn’t an intellectual news article and really doesn’t discuss actual/meaningful issues…I think it hilariously relates to a large percentage of the female population in their 20’s.  I don’t personally relate to every one of the points made, but I do think Ashley Fern, the author, does a great job creating a voice through her writing. Maybe it was her unique and personable style of writing or maybe it is her uncensored word choice but I literally felt as if I was listening to her speak. When it comes to writing blogs, especially comical blogs, I think it is important to write as if you are casually speaking to the audience, expressing your individuality, instead of formally addressing the topic of discussion. This creates a connection between the author and the reader and eventually leads to a fan base following the blog page.

Sorry it is late! And sorry if the article seems a little too offensive for the assignment!

bonus blog: