- Evaluate personal values and paradigms around body decoration and physical beauty.
- Investigate how physical appearance affects definitions of identity and belonging.
- Analyze values and belief systems of physical appearance across cultures, sub-cultures and generations.
Usually my style is really understated more than anything else. I like to keep my hair short and wear jeans and a sweater, jacket, or sweatshirt without a hood and I mostly stick to flat colors like grey, green, blue, or white. I do, however like to splash in a little bit of something else to keep it stylish. Usually that comes in the form of shoes, as they are something that I have a strange affinity for. I don’t often wear any other jewelry other than a watch and with that I basically complete my “understated” look. This is what I look like when I am in a normal day-to-day outfit or situation.
When I am at a business function or classy event however, this all changes. My style goes from understated to classic but “stand out” style. If an event or function is asked to be formal or professional dress I take the time to find a suit or outfit that will be in the “dress to impress” category. Usually that means that the suit will be fitted very well in a slim or modern cut and either a shirt or a tie that has a sold or close to solid color, but the color will be one that stand out from everyone else. My shoes will rarely be black or subtle as well, but instead a light brown or some sort of wingtip that will make people take notice. My dress in these situations does not stay the status quo. I do this to make others notice me in a room crowded with other regular suits.
These two styles reflect the main sides of my personality and core beliefs almost perfectly. One side of my personality is the type to keep my head down and do what needs to be done without needing any affirmation or needing everyone to know what I am doing. This side is the understated style that comes out most of the time in normal situations. The idea of a quiet humility comes mostly from my deep belief in Christianity and partially from my family. In Christianity there are many themes of humility and working to the fullness of your ability. Not demanding attention from others in order to garner praises and affection. A security that I do not need to care about what others think as long as I know what I am doing is right. My family shares this belief and because of that I grew up in a fairly conservative home and our dress reflected that. This fuels the understated look that stays mostly around the solid colors and very little ostentatious clothing.
The Bible does also talk about taking care of the bodies we have been given and I do believe this extends to clothing and jewelry as well. This explains why you will not find any tattoos or piercings in my usual ensemble. That is not my only reason for not having any tattoos or piercings however. I also spend great deal of time looking forward to the future before doing things that have long lasting effects. Tattoos are something that I do not personally believe age very well as is the same with piercings, and because such, I do not partake.
When it comes to business and formal events, these are something I frequent as a future businessman. I am constantly surrounded by others who are striving to be on top and work very diligently to do so. Because of this I am constantly involved in a healthy competition to be noticed by companies and higher ups. This almost contrasts my initial core beliefs, but somehow they are both satisfied very well in the business world. This healthy competition causes my second style that is better said by the wording “dressed to impress.” I have a very gregarious personality and my intention with being noticed is not to be noticed for my work or to be prideful in myself, because I am “so great.” Instead I want to be noticed as someone who they met. I want the people at these gatherings to remember my as someone they have met before and hopefully as someone who they got along with. Dressing to impress actually helps this a lot. Many people at these events go through meeting a great number of people, and if you have one more thing to set yourself apart from the rest makes a big difference in the chances you will be remembered. The way that I dress to impress in formal and business settings are usually in direct relation to this idea.
This was by far the most self reflective of any of my articles and when I read back over it I can see my motives and style screaming through the words. Looking back at the way I adorn myself truly tells someone a lot about myself. You can see that when I am in a large group setting I tend to blend in and go with the flow, but when you put me in a situation that I need to stand out I will. I take the opportunity in business settings to make and effort to be different from the crowd. In the reflection of Artifact 5 I talked about how when people dress different its because they do not want to be associated with being just another part of the crowd. This is the case with me in business settings, I do not just want to be another one in the crowd I want to be above and beyond the crowd.
I work to make sure people know what I am planning to do by the way I dress myself. If I am planning to be successful than I dress as if I already am successful, the idea of “dressing for success.” During the writing of this article I spent a great deal of time recognizing why I am doing it and not just the fact that I am. The culmination of my reasons really came out when I shared the way my faith influences my dress. I have a deep faith and that guides the way that I act including the way that I dress. I take care of my body and by extension I dress in a respectable way because of this faith as well.
In the future I will be well served by the knowledge of why I dress the way I do. It will help me to know this because it can help me to do it even better. When I am getting dressed for an event I will be looking deeper into my motives at the event to guide my decisions. When I can dress or adorn myself purposefully it will give people a subconscious feeling of how I should be perceived.