Jegbert AAD 250 Blog


  • Consider the origins of art
  • Explore a brief history of Western Art
  • Examine multiple perspectives for evaluating art


1) Describe the term paleoanthropsychobiological. Who coined this term?

-In “What Is Art For?”,  Ellen Dissanayake coins the idea of a palaeoanthropsychobiological view. This view is that when looking at a human, art is an inherent trait that needs to be expressed much like social ability and other characteristics of human nature.

2) What does Dissanayake mean by the phrase “making special”? How does it relate to art and to human survival?

-In the article Ellen discusses the idea of “making special” and how it looks in human society. The notion is the act of perceiving an event, time, or place as more important or special so people change their behaviors and actions accordingly. People change their clothes, make special meals, or even say things in a more refined or “special” way. People do this to make an occasion even more special or sometimes out of excitement for something that might not really deserve the attention in itself. For art, people express themselves in a more “special way” for some exhibits or events. But for human survival this shows itself in different ways. People are making more and more out of sometimes little things, which can make them more and more meaningful to the individuals. The added stress and preparation completely change the way life is lived in human society.

3) Name three different theories of art that Dissanayake mentions in her essay. Identify the time period when each theory developed and was prominent. Provide a brief description of the philosophies and ideas that define each theory/movement/period of art.

-“Renaissance Art” – 18th Century – Renaissance artist were usually known for the way they began to “replace God-centered with man-centered concerns.” (p.2) They transferred thoughts away from “divine” and instead portrayed more of the recognizable world and using “standards of beauty , harmony, and excellence.”

-“Modernist Movement” – Late 18th Century – The Modernist idea mostly centered around a “special frame of mind for appreciating art.”(p.2) This idea is that people must separate themselves from their own personal interests to be able to fully enjoy the artwork. “Paintings became less like mirrors held up to nature, so that viewers could no longer decipher or natively admire them.” (p.3) This caused a stigma to art that it could only be appreciated by the higher classes that could spend the money and take the time that it took to be trained.
-“Postmodernism” – Late 20th Century – Postmodernism is mostly based on the interpretation of a viewer. This was a almost direct opposite reaction to the modernist movement, because it contrasts the idea that only the elite can appreciate art. The one issue for post modernism is that “aesthetics troubled and inadequate when it proclaims that there are a multiplicity of individual realities.” (p.6)


Dissanayake. E(1991),What is art for? In K.C. Caroll(Ed.) Key note adresses 1991 (NAEA Convention) (pp, 15-16)



I found this to be maybe the most interesting of all of the assignments that I have completed yet. I explored the different main points of Ellen Dissanayake’s “What is Art for?” She had the constant theme of a palaeoanthropsychobiological view that means that when looking at a human, art is an inherent trait that needs to be expressed much like social ability and other characteristics of human nature. That stuck me during this assignment and definitely changed my view on art as a characteristic.

I then looked at the different movements and time periods in art and they again made me think about how society has made us view art differently than it was intended. The different movements all put a different stigma on art and who is able to understand it. Many times art is viewed as a privilege for the luck and not a inherent part of who we are.


The themes found in this assessment of “What is Art For?” art extremely important for any person, young or old, to understand when addressing art going forward. To understand the fact that art is not just something that is done by some and viewed by others, completely changes the realm of art for a person. After learning these themes we can see art in so much more than just the famous artists works, but also the small uses of art in our daily lives.


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