Remix Discussion
In one episode of Ted Talks, Lawrence Lessig talks about the Laws That Choke Creativity. He mostly focuses on the issues of copyright law and shows how the ability to “remix” or use small segments of other’s creations allows us to creatively express ourselves. He compares it to ASCAP and the way that competition was able to bring the broadcasting arena to a new set of standards. He believes that we need to bring this idea into affect again, allowing remixing to use copyrighted material. My question in response to his speech is, how would we be able to regulate this. Copyrights are in affect for a reason, to avoid piracy. How would the government be able to allow one and not the other.
1 comment so far
1:27 am - 3-6-2014
Hi,Jordan, I think that the video is trying to show his point of the distinguish of “Remix” and “piracy”. However, I think that it is difficult for government to find out an video is “remix” or “piracy” because they have vague boundaries. How could they authenticate a video is not only a “remix” video but also a “piracy” video? The creator of the video might find a secret way to earn movie by “remix” video from other people’s work or just plagiarize the idea of the own director but they still can say they are make them for “fun and love.” I think it is a big problem for the speaker in the video to think about.