Jegbert AAD 250 Blog


  • Become familiar with the basic relationship of human values to psychological and philoshopical endeavors.
  • Understand that values are formed from external and internal drives of an individual.
  • Explore one’s own value system


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Looking back at my day and everything I did, I found that these actually do line up very well with my actions. When I first woke up I spent some time reading my Bible in the morning, which really affirms that Faith is my top value as it was the way I started my day. I grew up in a strong Christian household and that is one value that really stuck with me. My faith is as important as anything else in my life. From then I went to a photo seminar with a leadership group I am involved with. This was partially to hone my photography skills, but also partially because I committed to attending it earlier in the week. When I woke up I was not very keen on going but I decided it would be best to keep my word.

I next went back home when I had a friend visiting and spent time with him before he left. When he was leaving I noticed that one the people I had over the night before had left their hat, I ran over and brought it to them as soon as I could. And as I was doing that I got asked if I could take someone to the store and help them with finding a few things. I absolutely loved it. Most people would think I didn’t spend much of my day doing what I want, but to me that didn’t make it any less fun. And honestly that shows my third value to be really true. I really value my friendships and would do just about anything for my friends.


In the last artifact I discussed how my article on  A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Live hit both of the first two objectives. In this artifact I addressed the last one more clearly. I took the time to look at my own ranking of my values and realized how they showed up in my life.

In article I wrote along with the ranking I explored how these values showed up in my life. I found a clear and concise reasoning for each value in my list. This doesn’t always happen like thing, because many times we cant tell why we value the things that we do. For me, however, I knew why I valued each of the highest ranked values that I had. These showed me an exploration of my own value system.


In the future this will come in handy when making decisions. I where I am coming from and why I am coming from there, and this can be extremely helpful when making decisions. I might have “known” how I felt about each one, but the exercise of actually writing down the reasonings makes them more solidified in my head. Using these reasonings I can focus more on my core values and realize that those are the ones that need to be appeased not the ones further down the list.

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