The primary purpose of this portfolio is to showcase the work I have completed for my AAD 250 class (Art and Human Values). Throughout the term I have been reviewing and leaning more about how art connects with normal social life and our own values. I plan to use this portfolio to look back on these articles that I have already written and define their purpose and understanding that I found throughout the term. I will also use these to look toward the future and understand where I can use these theme later on.
My primary audience is the instructor (Scott Huette) and the other students in the course. These students and instructor will most closely relate to these posts because they have also been deeply enthralled in the same discussions and many times have already critiqued these posts.
Table of Contents:
-Artifact 1: Personal Value Discussion
-Artifact 2: Life Values Assessment
-Artifact 3: What is Art For?
-Artifact 4: Is Food Art?
–Artifact 5: Looking at Others
-Artifact 6: Personal Reflection
-Artifact 7: Looking But Not Seeing
-Artifact 8: Development of the Sciences