
Course Objectives:

  • Consider culturally based versus universally based theories of art.
  • Examine the political, regional, economic, technological, religious, ethnic, gender, and generational influences that shape conceptions of art.
  • Consider gender, race, and ethnicity in relation to representation in art.
  • Examine contemporary and historical cross-cultural examples of art.


The audience of this portfolio is anyone interested in examining and identifying art, specifically my classmates and teacher of this Art & Values class. Even though my class is the main audience, this portfolio talks about a lot of different subjects and can be intended for anyone looking to gain insight and new perspectives on human values.


The purpose of this portfolio is to not only identify the course objectives that are meant to come about from this course but to also examine our past work and identify what it is exactly that we as humans value. This portfolio does this by looking at first, what it is that defines art and using that definition to examine cultural art and looking into how different ideals shape art and our values. The other purpose of this portfolio is to display my progress throughout the course and use my thoughts from previous weeks to be able to comment on previous artifacts. In other words, use my new knowledge on these subjects to broaden my understanding of art and its role with human values.


Table of Contents:

Main Page

Artifact 1

Artifact 2

Artifact 3

Artifact 4

Artifact 5

Artifact 6

Artifact 7

Artifact 8


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