People Watching Assignment

The first person that I saw was a female who was wearing a heavy rain jacket with bright yoga pants and running shoes. She had brown hair with blonde highlights and had her hair in a pony tail in a hairband. The way that she was dressed made me feel like she was going to work out and that I believe she valued her personal health and fitness. I also felt that she liked to be fashionable with her bright colors and dyed hair. The assumptions that I made based on her dress was that she was a white, college aged female who was very healthy and the look on her face made her appear to me as if she was emotionally worried about something or about working out. These assumptions I made may say similar things about me because I dress in a similar way when I go to work out at the gym and feel that I am constantly worried and thinking about things when I am walking by myself to get somewhere, I value thinking deeply and this reflects in my facial expressions when I am walking around.

The second person I saw was a man in a grey sweatshirt, jeans, and an Oregon stocking cap and was wearing a black backpack. One belief I feel he expresses with his backpack was that he believed in a good education. One value I believe he expressed with his stocking cap was that he values his comfort and wanted to stay warm. Overall, I assumed, based on his attire, that he was a college aged white male that was from Oregon. This says about my values that I assume that most people that look and dress like the people I know from a place are immediately believed by me to be from that place. This is an unfair assumption and shows how I do not look deeply into a person until I get to know them better but also that I like to associate people with familiar faces because it makes me more comfortable.

The third person I saw appeared to me to be an older gentleman with glasses and a polo and jeans. His hair looked a little sporadic to me as well as his facial hair and it appeared that he had a concerned look on his face while looking at his computer. I believe that he expressed a knowledgeable value as he was looking onto his computer screen intently and it appears to me that he cares about school more than appearance because his hair was messy and had longer facial hair. Based on his appearance, I would say that he is a mid to late twenties white male who appears to be emotionally stable but very stressed. This says a lot about my values as I often find myself being stressed often but value my time to myself and believe that it is important to take time off and enjoy things. I also believe it is important to take care of yourself and look nice at times.

6 thoughts on “People Watching Assignment”

  1. I think I would’ve made some similar conclusions with you. I agree with the fact that the girl in workout clothes seems to care about her appearance, not only because of the alterations to her hair, but because her workout clothes indicate she cares about her health and well-being. I don’t necessarily understand how you came to your judgments in the second person, but students were very hard for me to pin point because there was so many of them. I enjoyed the conclusion you made about your third person, and how to value your “me” time. If I had seen him, I may have assumed differently, perhaps not emotionally stable.

  2. I like your post and I think your observation was detailed, and I can almost see the person front my eyes after reading your post. There are many female students here in Eugene as your first description. I think that is because we have lots of rain here, so that many people are wearing rain jacket. This is how geographical environment affects people’s adornment. The cultural background makes a lot of Americans are paying attention on their health, so many of them will go to gym several times a week. I could say that I have seen many people in Oregon as like the person you described for the second person. They are the typical representative of people who live in Oregon.

  3. I also had similar assumptions to you. I saw a young man in athletic clothing and this made me believe that he valued staying fit and working out. This is similar to how you saw the young woman in athletic clothing and said that you believed she valued her personal health and fitness. I also liked how you related back to yourself when you said that you are often concerned and thinking about things when walking somewhere. I think a lot of people in college right now can relate to this. We have a lot of time where we are walking places and this creates a lot of thinking time. It is very easy to think about all your problems and stresses and things that you need to get done. It’s hard to focus on the positives. However, think about how different it would be if instead we took that time to focus on the joys in our life at the time!

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